WP_HTML_Tag_Processor::get_qualified_attribute_name()publicWP 6.7.0

Returns the adjusted attribute name for a given attribute, taking into account the current parsing context, whether HTML, SVG, or MathML.

Method of the class: WP_HTML_Tag_Processor{}

No Hooks.




$WP_HTML_Tag_Processor = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor();
$WP_HTML_Tag_Processor->get_qualified_attribute_name( $attribute_name ): ?string;
$attribute_name(string) (required)
Which attribute to adjust.


Since 6.7.0 Introduced.

WP_HTML_Tag_Processor::get_qualified_attribute_name() code WP 6.7.1

public function get_qualified_attribute_name( $attribute_name ): ?string {
	if ( self::STATE_MATCHED_TAG !== $this->parser_state ) {
		return null;

	$namespace  = $this->get_namespace();
	$lower_name = strtolower( $attribute_name );

	if ( 'math' === $namespace && 'definitionurl' === $lower_name ) {
		return 'definitionURL';

	if ( 'svg' === $this->get_namespace() ) {
		switch ( $lower_name ) {
			case 'attributename':
				return 'attributeName';

			case 'attributetype':
				return 'attributeType';

			case 'basefrequency':
				return 'baseFrequency';

			case 'baseprofile':
				return 'baseProfile';

			case 'calcmode':
				return 'calcMode';

			case 'clippathunits':
				return 'clipPathUnits';

			case 'diffuseconstant':
				return 'diffuseConstant';

			case 'edgemode':
				return 'edgeMode';

			case 'filterunits':
				return 'filterUnits';

			case 'glyphref':
				return 'glyphRef';

			case 'gradienttransform':
				return 'gradientTransform';

			case 'gradientunits':
				return 'gradientUnits';

			case 'kernelmatrix':
				return 'kernelMatrix';

			case 'kernelunitlength':
				return 'kernelUnitLength';

			case 'keypoints':
				return 'keyPoints';

			case 'keysplines':
				return 'keySplines';

			case 'keytimes':
				return 'keyTimes';

			case 'lengthadjust':
				return 'lengthAdjust';

			case 'limitingconeangle':
				return 'limitingConeAngle';

			case 'markerheight':
				return 'markerHeight';

			case 'markerunits':
				return 'markerUnits';

			case 'markerwidth':
				return 'markerWidth';

			case 'maskcontentunits':
				return 'maskContentUnits';

			case 'maskunits':
				return 'maskUnits';

			case 'numoctaves':
				return 'numOctaves';

			case 'pathlength':
				return 'pathLength';

			case 'patterncontentunits':
				return 'patternContentUnits';

			case 'patterntransform':
				return 'patternTransform';

			case 'patternunits':
				return 'patternUnits';

			case 'pointsatx':
				return 'pointsAtX';

			case 'pointsaty':
				return 'pointsAtY';

			case 'pointsatz':
				return 'pointsAtZ';

			case 'preservealpha':
				return 'preserveAlpha';

			case 'preserveaspectratio':
				return 'preserveAspectRatio';

			case 'primitiveunits':
				return 'primitiveUnits';

			case 'refx':
				return 'refX';

			case 'refy':
				return 'refY';

			case 'repeatcount':
				return 'repeatCount';

			case 'repeatdur':
				return 'repeatDur';

			case 'requiredextensions':
				return 'requiredExtensions';

			case 'requiredfeatures':
				return 'requiredFeatures';

			case 'specularconstant':
				return 'specularConstant';

			case 'specularexponent':
				return 'specularExponent';

			case 'spreadmethod':
				return 'spreadMethod';

			case 'startoffset':
				return 'startOffset';

			case 'stddeviation':
				return 'stdDeviation';

			case 'stitchtiles':
				return 'stitchTiles';

			case 'surfacescale':
				return 'surfaceScale';

			case 'systemlanguage':
				return 'systemLanguage';

			case 'tablevalues':
				return 'tableValues';

			case 'targetx':
				return 'targetX';

			case 'targety':
				return 'targetY';

			case 'textlength':
				return 'textLength';

			case 'viewbox':
				return 'viewBox';

			case 'viewtarget':
				return 'viewTarget';

			case 'xchannelselector':
				return 'xChannelSelector';

			case 'ychannelselector':
				return 'yChannelSelector';

			case 'zoomandpan':
				return 'zoomAndPan';

	if ( 'html' !== $namespace ) {
		switch ( $lower_name ) {
			case 'xlink:actuate':
				return 'xlink actuate';

			case 'xlink:arcrole':
				return 'xlink arcrole';

			case 'xlink:href':
				return 'xlink href';

			case 'xlink:role':
				return 'xlink role';

			case 'xlink:show':
				return 'xlink show';

			case 'xlink:title':
				return 'xlink title';

			case 'xlink:type':
				return 'xlink type';

			case 'xml:lang':
				return 'xml lang';

			case 'xml:space':
				return 'xml space';

			case 'xmlns':
				return 'xmlns';

			case 'xmlns:xlink':
				return 'xmlns xlink';

	return $attribute_name;