
Controller::format_data_value()publicWC 1.0

Format the data returned from the API for given stats.

Method of the class: Controller{}

No Hooks.




$Controller = new Controller();
$Controller->format_data_value( $data, $stat, $report, $chart, $query_args );
$data(array) (required)
Data from external endpoint.
$stat(string) (required)
Name of the stat.
$report(string) (required)
Name of the report.
$chart(string) (required)
Name of the chart.
$query_args(array) (required)
Query args.

Controller::format_data_value() code WC 8.7.0

public function format_data_value( $data, $stat, $report, $chart, $query_args ) {
	if ( 'jetpack/stats' === $report ) {
		// Get the index of the field to tally.
		$index = array_search( $chart, $data['general']->visits->fields, true );
		if ( ! $index ) {
			return null;

		// Loop over provided data and filter by the queried date.
		// Note that this is currently limited to 30 days via the Jetpack API
		// but the endpoint allows up to 90 days.
		$total  = 0;
		$before = gmdate( 'Y-m-d', strtotime( isset( $query_args['before'] ) ? $query_args['before'] : TimeInterval::default_before() ) );
		$after  = gmdate( 'Y-m-d', strtotime( isset( $query_args['after'] ) ? $query_args['after'] : TimeInterval::default_after() ) );
		foreach ( $data['general']->visits->data as $datum ) {
			if ( $datum[0] >= $after && $datum[0] <= $before ) {
				$total += $datum[ $index ];
		return $total;

	if ( isset( $data['totals'] ) && isset( $data['totals'][ $chart ] ) ) {
		return $data['totals'][ $chart ];

	return null;