Update the query for the product query block in Editor.
Method of the class: Controller{}
No Hooks.
. Nothing (null).
$Controller = new Controller(); $Controller->update_rest_query_in_editor( $query, $request ): array;
- $query(array) (required)
- Query args.
- $request(WP_REST_Request) (required)
- Request.
Controller::update_rest_query_in_editor() Controller::update rest query in editor code WC 9.6.0
public function update_rest_query_in_editor( $query, $request ): array { // Only update the query if this is a product collection block. $is_product_collection_block = $request->get_param( 'isProductCollectionBlock' ); if ( ! $is_product_collection_block ) { return $query; } $product_collection_query_context = $request->get_param( 'productCollectionQueryContext' ); $collection_args = array( 'name' => $product_collection_query_context['collection'] ?? '', // The editor uses a REST query to grab product post types. This means we don't have a block // instance to work with and the client needs to provide the location context. 'productCollectionLocation' => $request->get_param( 'productCollectionLocation' ), ); // Allow collections to modify the collection arguments passed to the query builder. $handlers = $this->collection_handler_registry->get_collection_handler( $collection_args['name'] ); if ( isset( $handlers['editor_args'] ) ) { $collection_args = call_user_func( $handlers['editor_args'], $collection_args, $query, $request ); } // When requested, short-circuit the query and return the preview query args. $preview_state = $request->get_param( 'previewState' ); if ( isset( $preview_state['isPreview'] ) && 'true' === $preview_state['isPreview'] ) { return $this->query_builder->get_preview_query_args( $collection_args, $query, $request ); } $orderby = $request->get_param( 'orderby' ); $on_sale = $request->get_param( 'woocommerceOnSale' ) === 'true'; $stock_status = $request->get_param( 'woocommerceStockStatus' ); $product_attributes = $request->get_param( 'woocommerceAttributes' ); $handpicked_products = $request->get_param( 'woocommerceHandPickedProducts' ); $featured = $request->get_param( 'featured' ); $time_frame = $request->get_param( 'timeFrame' ); $price_range = $request->get_param( 'priceRange' ); // This argument is required for the tests to PHP Unit Tests to run correctly. // Most likely this argument is being accessed in the test environment image. $query['author'] = ''; // Use QueryBuilder to get the final query args. return $this->query_builder->get_final_query_args( $collection_args, $query, array( 'orderby' => $orderby, 'on_sale' => $on_sale, 'stock_status' => $stock_status, 'product_attributes' => $product_attributes, 'handpicked_products' => $handpicked_products, 'featured' => $featured, 'timeFrame' => $time_frame, 'priceRange' => $price_range, ) ); }