
Definition{}WC 1.0

An extension of the definition class that replaces constructor injection with method injection.

No Hooks.


$Definition = new Definition();
// use class methods


  1. public if ( method_exists( $instance, static::INJECTION_METHOD ) )
  2. ERROR: no method name found on line ``
  3. ERROR: no method name found on line ``
  4. ERROR: no method name found on line ``
  5. ERROR: no method name found on line ``
  6. ERROR: no method name found on line `}`
  7. public forgetResolved()
  8. ERROR: no method name found on line ``
  9. ERROR: no method name found on line ``
  10. ERROR: no method name found on line ``
  11. private invokeInit( $instance )
  12. protected invokeMethods( $instance )
  13. ERROR: no method name found on line ``
  14. ERROR: no method name found on line ``
  15. ERROR: no method name found on line ``
  16. ERROR: no method name found on line ``
  17. protected resolveClass( string $concrete )
  18. ERROR: no method name found on line ``
  19. ERROR: no method name found on line ``
  20. ERROR: no method name found on line ``
  21. ERROR: no method name found on line ``

Definition{} code WC 8.7.0

class Definition extends BaseDefinition {

	 * The standard method that we use for dependency injection.
	public const INJECTION_METHOD = 'init';

	 * Resolve a class using method injection instead of constructor injection.
	 * @param string $concrete The concrete to instantiate.
	 * @return object
	protected function resolveClass( string $concrete ) {
		$instance = new $concrete();
		$this->invokeInit( $instance );
		return $instance;

	 * Invoke methods on resolved instance, including 'init'.
	 * @param object $instance The concrete to invoke methods on.
	 * @return object
	protected function invokeMethods( $instance ) {
		$this->invokeInit( $instance );
		parent::invokeMethods( $instance );
		return $instance;

	 * Invoke the 'init' method on a resolved object.
	 * Constructor injection causes backwards compatibility problems
	 * so we will rely on method injection via an internal method.
	 * @param object $instance The resolved object.
	 * @return void
	private function invokeInit( $instance ) {
		$resolved = $this->resolveArguments( $this->arguments );

		if ( method_exists( $instance, static::INJECTION_METHOD ) ) {
			call_user_func_array( array( $instance, static::INJECTION_METHOD ), $resolved );

	 * Forget the cached resolved object, so the next time it's requested
	 * it will be resolved again.
	public function forgetResolved() {
		$this->resolved = null;