Method of the class: Text_Diff_Renderer_inline{}
No Hooks.
. Nothing (null).
$Text_Diff_Renderer_inline = new Text_Diff_Renderer_inline(); $Text_Diff_Renderer_inline->_changed( $orig, $final );
- $orig (required)
- -
- $final (required)
- -
Text_Diff_Renderer_inline::_changed() Text Diff Renderer inline:: changed code WP 6.7.1
function _changed($orig, $final) { /* If we've already split on characters, just display. */ if ($this->_split_level == 'characters') { return $this->_deleted($orig) . $this->_added($final); } /* If we've already split on words, just display. */ if ($this->_split_level == 'words') { $prefix = ''; while ($orig[0] !== false && $final[0] !== false && substr($orig[0], 0, 1) == ' ' && substr($final[0], 0, 1) == ' ') { $prefix .= substr($orig[0], 0, 1); $orig[0] = substr($orig[0], 1); $final[0] = substr($final[0], 1); } return $prefix . $this->_deleted($orig) . $this->_added($final); } $text1 = implode("\n", $orig); $text2 = implode("\n", $final); /* Non-printing newline marker. */ $nl = "\0"; if ($this->_split_characters) { $diff = new Text_Diff('native', array(preg_split('//', $text1), preg_split('//', $text2))); } else { /* We want to split on word boundaries, but we need to preserve * whitespace as well. Therefore we split on words, but include * all blocks of whitespace in the wordlist. */ $diff = new Text_Diff('native', array($this->_splitOnWords($text1, $nl), $this->_splitOnWords($text2, $nl))); } /* Get the diff in inline format. */ $renderer = new Text_Diff_Renderer_inline (array_merge($this->getParams(), array('split_level' => $this->_split_characters ? 'characters' : 'words'))); /* Run the diff and get the output. */ return str_replace($nl, "\n", $renderer->render($diff)) . "\n"; }