Template Tags
Template tags are functions that have been designed specifically for use in a theme (template). These functions are located in these files:
- wp-includes/general-template.php
- wp-includes/author-template.php
- wp-includes/bookmark-template.php
- wp-includes/category-template.php
- wp-includes/comment-template.php
- wp-includes/link-template.php
- wp-includes/post-template.php
- wp-includes/post-thumbnail-template.php
- wp-includes/nav-menu-template.php
Functions List
- bloginfo
- calendar_week_mod
- get_archives_link
- get_bloginfo
- get_calendar
- get_current_blog_id
- get_footer
- get_header
- get_search_form
- get_sidebar
- get_template_part
- is_404
- is_active_sidebar
- is_admin
- is_archive
- is_attachment
- is_author
- is_category
- is_comment_feed
- is_date
- is_day
- is_dynamic_sidebar
- is_embed
- is_feed
- is_front_page
- is_home
- is_month
- is_page_template
- is_paged
- is_post_type_archive
- is_preview
- is_search
- is_single
- is_singular
- is_ssl
- is_sticky
- is_tag
- is_tax
- is_year
- language_attributes
- post_type_archive_title
- register_sidebar
- setup_postdata
- the_archive_description
- the_archive_title
- wp_enqueue_script
- wp_enqueue_style
- wp_footer
- wp_get_archives
- wp_get_document_title
- wp_head
- wp_login_form
- wp_login_url
- wp_loginout
- wp_logout_url
- wp_lostpassword_url
- wp_register
- wp_title
- body_class
- get_post_format
- get_post_time
- get_the_date
- has_post_parent
- have_posts
- in_the_loop
- next_image_link
- next_post_link
- next_posts_link
- post_class
- post_password_required
- posts_nav_link
- previous_image_link
- previous_post_link
- previous_posts_link
- single_month_title
- single_post_title
- sticky_class
- the_category
- the_content
- the_date
- the_excerpt
- the_excerpt_rss
- the_ID
- the_meta
- the_modified_author
- the_modified_date
- the_post
- the_post_navigation
- the_search_query
- the_shortlink
- the_tags
- the_time
- the_title
- the_title_attribute
- wp_get_shortlink
- wp_link_pages
- allowed_tags
- cancel_comment_reply_link
- comment_author
- comment_author_email
- comment_author_email_link
- comment_author_link
- comment_author_url
- comment_author_url_link
- comment_class
- comment_date
- comment_excerpt
- comment_form
- comment_form_title
- comment_ID
- comment_id_fields
- comment_reply_link
- comment_text
- comment_time
- comment_type
- comments_link
- comments_number
- comments_popup_link
- get_avatar
- get_comments_number_text
- have_comments
- next_comments_link
- paginate_comments_links
- post_comments_feed_link
- previous_comments_link
- wp_list_comments