Displays or retrieves pagination links for the comments on the current post.
Uses: paginate_links()
Used By: get_the_comments_pagination()
No Hooks.
. Void if 'echo' argument is true and 'type' is not an array, or if the query is not for an existing single post of any post type. Otherwise, markup for comment page links or array of comment page links, depending on 'type' argument.
paginate_comments_links( $args );
- $args(string|array)
- Optional args. See paginate_links().
Default: empty array
#1 Output page navigation of comments
If the WP settings are set to "separate comments into pages", then the template uses this code to display the navigation:
<div class="navigation"><?php paginate_comments_links( $args ) ?></div>
We end up with a code like this:
<div class="navigation"> <a class="prev page-numbers" href="/id_140/comment-page-3#comments">«««</a> <a class='page-numbers' href='/id_140/comment-page-1#comments'>1</a> <a class='page-numbers' href='/id_140/comment-page-2#comments'>2</a> <a class='page-numbers' href='/id_140/comment-page-3#comments'>3</a> <span class='page-numbers current'>4</span> </div>
#2 Changing the text of "next/previous page" links
To change the text of the next/previous page links, you must pass the arguments prev_text
and next_text
paginate_comments_links( 'prev_text=back&next_text=forward' )
If you want to use special html symbols (html entities) in the link texts, you have to pass the arguments through an array:
paginate_comments_links( [ 'prev_text' => '«', 'next_text' => '»' ] );
- See: paginate_links()
- Global. WP_Rewrite. $wp_rewrite WordPress rewrite component.
Since 2.7.0 | Introduced. |