Adds a script (JavaScript file) to the page.
It is important to use this function to add JS files because with it you can merge several JS files into one without further problems. Also, it helps you to get rid of script conflicts when the dependent script is connected after the one from which it depends.
The function adds a script only if it has not been added yet and if the other scripts on which it depends are registered. Dependent scripts are added (connected) automatically.
IMPORTANT! This function may not work if wp_head() and wp_footer() functions are not used in your theme. It's because the scripts are loaded on actions (hooks) created by these functions.
Also, this function must be called before wp_footer(), otherwise scripts will not be connected at all.
If the script is already registered with wp_register_script() then you can enqueue it by its identifier ($handle).
// jquery is registered in WP by default. // So you can enqueue it just by its identifier: wp_enqueue_script('jquery');
If the script isn't registered, then you can register and enqueue it just with this function.
wp_enqueue_script('newscript', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/custom_script.js');
Since version 3.3 this function can be used during the page generation. In this case, the enqueued script will be loaded in the footer of the page when the hook wp_footer is called.
Usually the function is hooked on one of these actions:
- wp_enqueue_scripts — for front-end;
- admin_enqueue_scripts — for admin-panel;
- login_enqueue_scripts — for login page (wp-login.php).
Use wp_script_add_data() - when you want to include a script with a condition such as
<!--[if lt IE 9]>...<![endif]-->
. -
Use wp_add_inline_script() - when you want to add JS code from PHP.
- Use wp_dequeue_script() - when you want to disable script connection.
. Nothing (null).
wp_enqueue_script( $handle, $src, $deps, $ver, $in_footer );
- $handle(string) (required)
Name of the script. Should be unique. In lowercase.
If the string contains a question mark (?): scriptaculous?v=1.2, then the preceding part will be the name of the script, and all that text after the question mark will be added to the URL as request parameters. So you can, for example, specify the version of the script.
- $src(string)
Full URL of the script, or path of the script relative to the WordPress root directory. For example:
http://example.com/wp-content/themes/my-theme/my-theme-script.js.This option is only needed when the script is not registered and WordPress is not yet aware of it and its path. see wp_register_script().
There's no need to specify a hardcoded path, use the following functions:
- plugins_url() - for plugins and
- get_template_directory_uri() - for themes.
External domains can be specified with implicit protocol //example.com/js/their-script.js
See below the list of all registered scripts by default (like jquery).
Default: ''
- $deps(array)
- An array of registered script handles this script depends on. Scripts that must be loaded before this one.
Default: array() - $ver(string/true/false/null)
String specifying script version number. The version is added to the URL as a query string for cache busting purposes.
If set to false, the current WordPress version will be used.
If set to null, version adding will be skipped.
Default: false
- $in_footer(true/false)
Whether to enqueue the script in the footer?
Typically, a script is included in the <head> of the document, if set to true, the script will be included before the </body> tag (where the wp_footer() template tag is called).
If due to the dependence on other scripts, there is no way to connect the current script in the footer, this parameter will be ignored.
For clear code, you may specify any string instead of true, for example, you can use 'in_footer'.
Default: false
#1 Load the regular WP script 'scriptaculous'.
// For frontend of the site add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_scripts_method' ); function my_scripts_method() { wp_enqueue_script( 'scriptaculous' ); }
#2 Download the base WordPress script from a non-standard address.
For example if you want to replace the default jquery script with a CDN-version, add this code to the functions.php:
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_scripts_method', 11 ); function my_scripts_method() { wp_deregister_script( 'jquery' ); wp_register_script( 'jquery', 'http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' ); }
Using the wp_enqueue_scripts filter (instead of init as recommended on some resources), we avoid registering an alternative version of jQuery on the dashboard, what (among other things) reduces the risk of disruption of the wp-editor.
#3 Register and enqueue a custom script, which depends on jQuery
Register and enqueue a custom script that depends on jquery (so it will be loaded before this script).
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_scripts_method' ); function my_scripts_method() { $script_url = plugins_url( '/js/newscript.js', __FILE__ ); wp_enqueue_script('custom-script', $script_url, array('jquery') ); }
#4 Enqueue a script only for specific types of pages
For example you need conditional tags for loading script scriptaculous. You can use hook wp because conditionals tags available after it.
add_action( 'wp', 'add_my_script_where_it_necessery' ); function add_my_script_where_it_necessery(){ if( is_single() ) add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_scripts_method' ); } function my_scripts_method() { $script_url = plugins_url( '/js/newscript.js', __FILE__ ); wp_enqueue_script( 'newscript', $script_url, ['scriptaculous'] ); }
#5 Enqueue a script that depends on a default script
Specify the name of the dependency in the third argument.
Often it is required that another JavaScript file be loaded before the JavaScript files that come with the design theme. WordPress provides an API that allows you to specify its dependencies when registering a script. For example, the theme with the code below requires that the jQuery library be loaded before the custom_script.js
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_scripts_method' ); function my_scripts_method() { wp_enqueue_script( 'custom-script', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/custom_script.js', array( 'jquery' ) ); }
#6 Loading plugin scripts only on its pages
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'my_plugin_admin_menu' ); function my_plugin_admin_menu() { // Register plugin page $page = add_submenu_page( 'edit.php', __( 'My plugin', 'myPlugin' ), __( 'My plugin', 'myPlugin' ), 'manage_options', 'my_plugin-options', 'my_plugin_manage_menu' ); // Connect to a needed hook using the plugin page identifier add_action( 'load-' . $page, 'my_plugin_admin_scripts' ); } // This function will be called only on the page of the plugin function my_plugin_admin_scripts() { wp_enqueue_script( 'my-plugin-script', plugins_url('/script.js', __FILE__) ); } function my_plugin_manage_menu() { // page code }
#7 Dynamic file version detection
To change file URL when the file content changed in order to disable browser cache, you can specify file version dynamically base on file modification time (filemtime):
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_scripts_method'); function my_scripts_method() { wp_enqueue_script( 'custom-script', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/custom_script.js', [ 'jquery' ], filemtime( get_theme_file_path('js/custom_script.js') ) ); }
filemtime() performance is very high - on SSD disk 0.5 sec for 50K iterations - it's very fast!
#8 Remove a version of the script or style from the URL
When registering a script, it gets a version (the current version of WordPress, by default): /wp-includes/css/dashicons.min.css?ver=4.9. You can remove it:
// Removing all versions of all scripts (and styles): add_filter( 'script_loader_src', '_remove_script_version' ); add_filter( 'style_loader_src', '_remove_script_version' ); function _remove_script_version( $src ){ $parts = explode( '?', $src ); return $parts[0]; }
Remove only WordPress versions:
add_filter( 'script_loader_src', 'hb_remove_wp_version_from_src' ); add_filter( 'style_loader_src', 'hb_remove_wp_version_from_src' ); function hb_remove_wp_version_from_src( $src ) { global $wp_version; parse_str( parse_url( $src, PHP_URL_QUERY ), $query ); if ( ! empty($query['ver']) && $query['ver'] === $wp_version ) { $src = remove_query_arg('ver', $src); } return $src; }
#9 How to connect jquery from Google
Read in separate article.
Default WordPress 5.2.2 scripts
Name | ID | Dependences |
utils | ||
WP Common | common | jquery, hoverIntent, utils |
wp-a11y | jquery | |
Simple AJAX Code-Kit | sack | |
QuickTags | quicktags | |
ColorPicker (deprecated) | colorpicker | prototype |
editor | utils, jquery | |
clipboard | ||
wp-fullscreen-stub | ||
WordPress AJAX Response | wp-ajax-response | jquery |
wp-api-request | jquery | |
wp-pointer | jquery-ui-widget, jquery-ui-position | |
Autosave | autosave | heartbeat |
Heartbeat | heartbeat | jquery, wp-hooks |
wp-auth-check | heartbeat | |
List Manipulation | wp-lists | wp-ajax-response, jquery-color |
prototype | ||
scriptaculous-root | prototype | |
scriptaculous-builder | scriptaculous-root | |
scriptaculous-dragdrop | scriptaculous-builder, scriptaculous-effects | |
scriptaculous-effects | scriptaculous-root | |
scriptaculous-slider | scriptaculous-effects | |
scriptaculous-sound | scriptaculous-root | |
scriptaculous-controls | scriptaculous-root | |
scriptaculous | scriptaculous-dragdrop, scriptaculous-slider, scriptaculous-controls | |
cropper | scriptaculous-dragdrop | |
jQuery | jquery | jquery-core, jquery-migrate |
jquery-core | ||
jquery-migrate | ||
jQuery UI Core | jquery-ui-core | jquery |
jQuery UI Effects | jquery-effects-core | jquery |
jQuery UI Effects - Blind | jquery-effects-blind | jquery-effects-core |
jQuery UI Effects - Bounce | jquery-effects-bounce | jquery-effects-core |
jQuery UI Effects - Clip | jquery-effects-clip | jquery-effects-core |
jQuery UI Effects - Drop | jquery-effects-drop | jquery-effects-core |
jQuery UI Effects - Explode | jquery-effects-explode | jquery-effects-core |
jQuery UI Effects - Fade | jquery-effects-fade | jquery-effects-core |
jQuery UI Effects - Fold | jquery-effects-fold | jquery-effects-core |
jQuery UI Effects - Highlight | jquery-effects-highlight | jquery-effects-core |
jquery-effects-puff | jquery-effects-core, jquery-effects-scale | |
jQuery UI Effects - Pulsate | jquery-effects-pulsate | jquery-effects-core |
jQuery UI Effects - Scale | jquery-effects-scale | jquery-effects-core, jquery-effects-size |
jQuery UI Effects - Shake | jquery-effects-shake | jquery-effects-core |
jquery-effects-size | jquery-effects-core | |
jQuery UI Effects - Slide | jquery-effects-slide | jquery-effects-core |
jQuery UI Effects - Transfer | jquery-effects-transfer | jquery-effects-core |
jQuery UI Accordion | jquery-ui-accordion | jquery-ui-core, jquery-ui-widget |
jQuery UI Autocomplete | jquery-ui-autocomplete | jquery-ui-menu, wp-a11y |
jQuery UI Button | jquery-ui-button | jquery-ui-core, jquery-ui-widget |
jQuery UI Datepicker | jquery-ui-datepicker | jquery-ui-core |
jQuery UI Dialog | jquery-ui-dialog | jquery-ui-resizable, jquery-ui-draggable, jquery-ui-button, jquery-ui-position |
jQuery UI Draggable | jquery-ui-draggable | jquery-ui-mouse |
jQuery UI Droppable | jquery-ui-droppable | jquery-ui-draggable |
jQuery UI Menu | jquery-ui-menu | jquery-ui-core, jquery-ui-widget, jquery-ui-position |
jQuery UI Mouse | jquery-ui-mouse | jquery-ui-core, jquery-ui-widget |
jQuery UI Position | jquery-ui-position | jquery |
jQuery UI Progressbar | jquery-ui-progressbar | jquery-ui-core, jquery-ui-widget |
jQuery UI Resizable | jquery-ui-resizable | jquery-ui-mouse |
jQuery UI Selectable | jquery-ui-selectable | jquery-ui-mouse |
jQuery UI Selectmenu | jquery-ui-selectmenu | jquery-ui-menu |
jQuery UI Slider | jquery-ui-slider | jquery-ui-mouse |
jQuery UI Sortable | jquery-ui-sortable | jquery-ui-mouse |
jQuery UI Spinner | jquery-ui-spinner | jquery-ui-button |
jQuery UI Tabs | jquery-ui-tabs | jquery-ui-core, jquery-ui-widget |
jQuery UI Tooltips | jquery-ui-tooltip | jquery-ui-core, jquery-ui-widget, jquery-ui-position |
jQuery UI Widget | jquery-ui-widget | jquery |
jQuery Form | jquery-form | jquery |
jQuery Color | jquery-color | jquery |
jQuery Schedule | schedule | jquery |
jquery-query | jquery | |
jquery-serialize-object | jquery | |
jQuery Hotkeys | jquery-hotkeys | jquery |
jquery-table-hotkeys | jquery, jquery-hotkeys | |
jquery-touch-punch | jquery-ui-widget, jquery-ui-mouse | |
jQuery Suggest | suggest | jquery |
imagesloaded | ||
Masonry (native Javascript) | masonry | imagesloaded |
jQuery Masonry | jquery-masonry | jquery, masonry |
ThickBox | thickbox | jquery |
Jcrop | jcrop | jquery |
SWFObject | swfobject | |
moxiejs | ||
Plupload Core | plupload | moxiejs |
Plupload All Runtimes | plupload-all | plupload |
Plupload HTML5 | plupload-html5 | plupload |
Plupload Flash | plupload-flash | plupload |
Plupload Silverlight | plupload-silverlight | plupload |
Plupload HTML4 | plupload-html4 | plupload |
plupload-handlers | plupload, jquery | |
wp-plupload | plupload, jquery, json2, media-models | |
SWFUpload | swfupload | |
swfupload-all | swfupload | |
SWFUpload Handlers | swfupload-handlers | swfupload-all, jquery |
Threaded Comments | comment-reply | |
JSON for JS | json2 | |
Underscore js | underscore | |
Backbone js | backbone | underscore, jquery |
wp-util | underscore, jquery | |
wp-sanitize | jquery | |
wp-backbone | backbone, wp-util | |
revisions | wp-backbone, jquery-ui-slider, hoverIntent | |
imgareaselect | jquery | |
mediaelement | jquery, mediaelement-core, mediaelement-migrate | |
mediaelement-core | ||
mediaelement-migrate | ||
mediaelement-vimeo | mediaelement | |
MediaElement.js (WP 3.6+) | wp-mediaelement | mediaelement |
wp-codemirror | ||
csslint | ||
esprima | ||
jshint | esprima | |
jsonlint | ||
htmlhint | ||
htmlhint-kses | htmlhint | |
code-editor | jquery, wp-codemirror, underscore | |
wp-theme-plugin-editor | wp-util, wp-sanitize, jquery, jquery-ui-core, wp-a11y, underscore | |
wp-playlist | wp-util, backbone, mediaelement | |
zxcvbn-async | ||
Password Strength Meter | password-strength-meter | jquery, zxcvbn-async |
user-profile | jquery, password-strength-meter, wp-util | |
language-chooser | jquery | |
user-suggest | jquery-ui-autocomplete | |
admin-bar | ||
wplink | jquery, wp-a11y | |
wpdialogs | jquery-ui-dialog | |
Word Count | word-count | |
Media Upload | media-upload | thickbox, shortcode |
jQuery HoverIntent | hoverIntent | jquery |
customize-base | jquery, json2, underscore | |
customize-loader | customize-base | |
customize-preview | wp-a11y, customize-base | |
customize-models | underscore, backbone | |
customize-views | jquery, underscore, imgareaselect, customize-models, media-editor, media-views | |
customize-controls | customize-base, wp-a11y, wp-util, jquery-ui-core | |
customize-selective-refresh | jquery, wp-util, customize-preview | |
customize-widgets | jquery, jquery-ui-sortable, jquery-ui-droppable, wp-backbone, customize-controls | |
customize-preview-widgets | jquery, wp-util, customize-preview, customize-selective-refresh | |
customize-nav-menus | jquery, wp-backbone, customize-controls, accordion, nav-menu | |
customize-preview-nav-menus | jquery, wp-util, customize-preview, customize-selective-refresh | |
wp-custom-header | wp-a11y | |
accordion | jquery | |
shortcode | underscore | |
media-models | wp-backbone | |
wp-embed | ||
media-views | utils, media-models, wp-plupload, jquery-ui-sortable, wp-mediaelement, wp-api-request | |
media-editor | shortcode, media-views | |
media-audiovideo | media-editor | |
mce-view | shortcode, jquery, media-views, media-audiovideo | |
wp-api | jquery, backbone, underscore, wp-api-request | |
react | wp-polyfill | |
react-dom | react | |
moment | ||
lodash | ||
wp-polyfill-fetch | ||
wp-polyfill-formdata | ||
wp-polyfill-node-contains | ||
wp-polyfill-element-closest | ||
wp-polyfill | ||
wp-tinymce-root | ||
wp-tinymce | wp-tinymce-root | |
wp-tinymce-lists | wp-tinymce | |
wp-api-fetch | wp-polyfill, wp-i18n, wp-url, wp-hooks | |
wp-annotations | wp-data, wp-hooks, wp-i18n, wp-polyfill, wp-rich-text | |
wp-autop | wp-polyfill | |
wp-blob | wp-polyfill | |
wp-blocks | wp-autop, wp-blob, wp-block-serialization-default-parser, wp-data, wp-dom, wp-element, wp-hooks, wp-html-entities, wp-i18n, wp-is-shallow-equal, wp-polyfill, wp-shortcode, lodash | |
wp-block-library | editor, lodash, wp-api-fetch, wp-autop, wp-blob, wp-block-editor, wp-blocks, wp-components, wp-compose, wp-core-data, wp-data, wp-date, wp-editor, wp-element, wp-html-entities, wp-i18n, wp-keycodes, wp-polyfill, wp-url, wp-viewport, wp-rich-text | |
wp-block-serialization-default-parser | ||
wp-block-editor | lodash, wp-a11y, wp-blob, wp-blocks, wp-components, wp-compose, wp-core-data, wp-data, wp-dom, wp-element, wp-hooks, wp-html-entities, wp-i18n, wp-is-shallow-equal, wp-keycodes, wp-rich-text, wp-token-list, wp-url, wp-viewport, wp-wordcount | |
wp-components | lodash, moment, wp-a11y, wp-api-fetch, wp-compose, wp-dom, wp-element, wp-hooks, wp-html-entities, wp-i18n, wp-is-shallow-equal, wp-keycodes, wp-polyfill, wp-rich-text, wp-url | |
wp-compose | lodash, wp-element, wp-is-shallow-equal, wp-polyfill | |
wp-core-data | lodash, wp-api-fetch, wp-data, wp-deprecated, wp-polyfill, wp-url | |
wp-data | lodash, wp-compose, wp-element, wp-is-shallow-equal, wp-polyfill, wp-priority-queue, wp-redux-routine | |
wp-date | moment, wp-polyfill | |
wp-deprecated | wp-polyfill, wp-hooks | |
wp-dom | lodash, wp-polyfill | |
wp-dom-ready | wp-polyfill | |
wp-edit-post | jquery, lodash, postbox, media-models, media-views, wp-a11y, wp-api-fetch, wp-block-editor, wp-block-library, wp-blocks, wp-components, wp-compose, wp-core-data, wp-data, wp-dom-ready, wp-editor, wp-element, wp-embed, wp-i18n, wp-keycodes, wp-notices, wp-nux, wp-plugins, wp-polyfill, wp-url, wp-viewport | |
wp-editor | lodash, wp-api-fetch, wp-blob, wp-block-editor, wp-blocks, wp-components, wp-compose, wp-core-data, wp-data, wp-date, wp-deprecated, wp-element, wp-hooks, wp-html-entities, wp-i18n, wp-keycodes, wp-notices, wp-nux, wp-polyfill, wp-url, wp-viewport, wp-wordcount | |
wp-element | wp-polyfill, react, react-dom, lodash, wp-escape-html | |
wp-escape-html | wp-polyfill | |
wp-format-library | wp-block-editor, wp-components, wp-editor, wp-element, wp-i18n, wp-keycodes, wp-polyfill, wp-rich-text, wp-url | |
wp-hooks | wp-polyfill | |
wp-html-entities | wp-polyfill | |
wp-i18n | wp-polyfill | |
wp-is-shallow-equal | wp-polyfill | |
wp-keycodes | lodash, wp-polyfill, wp-i18n | |
wp-list-reusable-blocks | lodash, wp-api-fetch, wp-components, wp-compose, wp-element, wp-i18n, wp-polyfill | |
wp-notices | lodash, wp-a11y, wp-data, wp-polyfill | |
wp-nux | wp-element, lodash, wp-components, wp-compose, wp-data, wp-i18n, wp-polyfill, lodash | |
wp-plugins | lodash, wp-compose, wp-element, wp-hooks, wp-polyfill | |
wp-priority-queue | ||
wp-redux-routine | wp-polyfill | |
wp-rich-text | lodash, wp-data, wp-escape-html, wp-polyfill | |
wp-shortcode | wp-polyfill, lodash | |
wp-token-list | lodash, wp-polyfill | |
wp-url | wp-polyfill | |
wp-viewport | wp-polyfill, wp-element, wp-data, wp-compose, lodash | |
wp-wordcount | wp-polyfill |
This list is abtained from $GLOBALS['wp_scripts']
global variable. Registered scripts may vary depending on the page you are on. In the admin list will be longer.
For details, refer to the wp_default_scripts() function code.
Since version 3.5, WordPress has a new convention for minified scripts and styles. Before that version minified scripts and styles had extensions .js
and .css
, respectively; non-minified .dev.js
and .dev.css
. Now minified files have .min.js
and .min.css
extensions; non-minified — just .js
and .css
Since 2.1.0 | Introduced. |
Since 6.3.0 | The $in_footer parameter of type boolean was overloaded to be an $args parameter of type array. |