WP_Admin_Bar::_render_item()protectedWP 3.3.0

Method of the class: WP_Admin_Bar{}

No Hooks.


null. Nothing (null).


// protected - for code of main (parent) or child class
$result = $this->_render_item( $node );
$node(object) (required)


Since 3.3.0 Introduced.

WP_Admin_Bar::_render_item() code WP 6.6.2

final protected function _render_item( $node ) {
	if ( 'item' !== $node->type ) {

	$is_parent             = ! empty( $node->children );
	$has_link              = ! empty( $node->href );
	$is_root_top_item      = 'root-default' === $node->parent;
	$is_top_secondary_item = 'top-secondary' === $node->parent;

	// Allow only numeric values, then casted to integers, and allow a tabindex value of `0` for a11y.
	$tabindex         = ( isset( $node->meta['tabindex'] ) && is_numeric( $node->meta['tabindex'] ) ) ? (int) $node->meta['tabindex'] : '';
	$aria_attributes  = ( '' !== $tabindex ) ? ' tabindex="' . $tabindex . '"' : '';
	$aria_attributes .= ' role="menuitem"';

	$menuclass = '';
	$arrow     = '';

	if ( $is_parent ) {
		$menuclass        = 'menupop ';
		$aria_attributes .= ' aria-expanded="false"';

	if ( ! empty( $node->meta['class'] ) ) {
		$menuclass .= $node->meta['class'];

	// Print the arrow icon for the menu children with children.
	if ( ! $is_root_top_item && ! $is_top_secondary_item && $is_parent ) {
		$arrow = '<span class="wp-admin-bar-arrow" aria-hidden="true"></span>';

	if ( $menuclass ) {
		$menuclass = ' class="' . esc_attr( trim( $menuclass ) ) . '"';

	echo "<li role='group' id='" . esc_attr( 'wp-admin-bar-' . $node->id ) . "'$menuclass>";

	if ( $has_link ) {
		$attributes = array( 'onclick', 'target', 'title', 'rel', 'lang', 'dir' );
		echo "<a class='ab-item'$aria_attributes href='" . esc_url( $node->href ) . "'";
	} else {
		$attributes = array( 'onclick', 'target', 'title', 'rel', 'lang', 'dir' );
		echo '<div class="ab-item ab-empty-item"' . $aria_attributes;

	foreach ( $attributes as $attribute ) {
		if ( empty( $node->meta[ $attribute ] ) ) {

		if ( 'onclick' === $attribute ) {
			echo " $attribute='" . esc_js( $node->meta[ $attribute ] ) . "'";
		} else {
			echo " $attribute='" . esc_attr( $node->meta[ $attribute ] ) . "'";

	echo ">{$arrow}{$node->title}";

	if ( $has_link ) {
		echo '</a>';
	} else {
		echo '</div>';

	if ( $is_parent ) {
		echo '<div class="ab-sub-wrapper">';
		foreach ( $node->children as $group ) {
			if ( empty( $node->meta['menu_title'] ) ) {
				$this->_render_group( $group, false );
			} else {
				$this->_render_group( $group, $node->meta['menu_title'] );
		echo '</div>';

	if ( ! empty( $node->meta['html'] ) ) {
		echo $node->meta['html'];

	echo '</li>';