WP_Customize_Themes_Section::filter_drawer_content_template()protectedWP 4.9.0

Renders the filter drawer portion of a themes section as a JS template.

The filter bar container is rendered by {@see render_template()}.

Method of the class: WP_Customize_Themes_Section{}

No Hooks.


null. Nothing (null).


// protected - for code of main (parent) or child class
$result = $this->filter_drawer_content_template();


Since 4.9.0 Introduced.

WP_Customize_Themes_Section::filter_drawer_content_template() code WP 6.6.2

protected function filter_drawer_content_template() {
	 * @todo Use the .org API instead of the local core feature list.
	 * The .org API is currently outdated and will be reconciled when the .org themes directory is next redesigned.
	$feature_list = get_theme_feature_list( false );
	<# if ( 'wporg' === data.action ) { #>
		<div class="filter-drawer filter-details">
			<?php foreach ( $feature_list as $feature_name => $features ) : ?>
				<fieldset class="filter-group">
					<legend><?php echo esc_html( $feature_name ); ?></legend>
					<div class="filter-group-feature">
						<?php foreach ( $features as $feature => $feature_name ) : ?>
							<input type="checkbox" id="filter-id-<?php echo esc_attr( $feature ); ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $feature ); ?>" />
							<label for="filter-id-<?php echo esc_attr( $feature ); ?>"><?php echo esc_html( $feature_name ); ?></label>
						<?php endforeach; ?>
			<?php endforeach; ?>
	<# } #>