WP_Customize_Widgets::enqueue_scripts()publicWP 3.9.0

Enqueues scripts and styles for Customizer panel and export data to JavaScript.

Method of the class: WP_Customize_Widgets{}


null. Nothing (null).


$WP_Customize_Widgets = new WP_Customize_Widgets();


  • Global. WP_Scripts. $wp_scripts
  • Global. Array. $wp_registered_sidebars
  • Global. Array. $wp_registered_widgets


Since 3.9.0 Introduced.

WP_Customize_Widgets::enqueue_scripts() code WP 6.6.2

public function enqueue_scripts() {
	global $wp_scripts, $wp_registered_sidebars, $wp_registered_widgets;

	wp_enqueue_style( 'customize-widgets' );
	wp_enqueue_script( 'customize-widgets' );

	/** This action is documented in wp-admin/admin-header.php */
	do_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'widgets.php' );

	 * Export available widgets with control_tpl removed from model
	 * since plugins need templates to be in the DOM.
	$available_widgets = array();

	foreach ( $this->get_available_widgets() as $available_widget ) {
		unset( $available_widget['control_tpl'] );
		$available_widgets[] = $available_widget;

	$widget_reorder_nav_tpl = sprintf(
		'<div class="widget-reorder-nav"><span class="move-widget" tabindex="0">%1$s</span><span class="move-widget-down" tabindex="0">%2$s</span><span class="move-widget-up" tabindex="0">%3$s</span></div>',
		__( 'Move to another area&hellip;' ),
		__( 'Move down' ),
		__( 'Move up' )

	$move_widget_area_tpl = str_replace(
		array( '{description}', '{btn}' ),
			__( 'Select an area to move this widget into:' ),
			_x( 'Move', 'Move widget' ),
		'<div class="move-widget-area">
			<p class="description">{description}</p>
			<ul class="widget-area-select">
				<% _.each( sidebars, function ( sidebar ){ %>
					<li class="" data-id="<%- sidebar.id %>" title="<%- sidebar.description %>" tabindex="0"><%- sidebar.name %></li>
				<% }); %>
			<div class="move-widget-actions">
				<button class="move-widget-btn button" type="button">{btn}</button>

	 * Gather all strings in PHP that may be needed by JS on the client.
	 * Once JS i18n is implemented (in #20491), this can be removed.
	$some_non_rendered_areas_messages    = array();
	$some_non_rendered_areas_messages[1] = html_entity_decode(
		__( 'Your theme has 1 other widget area, but this particular page does not display it.' ),
		get_bloginfo( 'charset' )
	$registered_sidebar_count            = count( $wp_registered_sidebars );
	for ( $non_rendered_count = 2; $non_rendered_count < $registered_sidebar_count; $non_rendered_count++ ) {
		$some_non_rendered_areas_messages[ $non_rendered_count ] = html_entity_decode(
				/* translators: %s: The number of other widget areas registered but not rendered. */
					'Your theme has %s other widget area, but this particular page does not display it.',
					'Your theme has %s other widget areas, but this particular page does not display them.',
				number_format_i18n( $non_rendered_count )
			get_bloginfo( 'charset' )

	if ( 1 === $registered_sidebar_count ) {
		$no_areas_shown_message = html_entity_decode(
				__( 'Your theme has 1 widget area, but this particular page does not display it.' )
			get_bloginfo( 'charset' )
	} else {
		$no_areas_shown_message = html_entity_decode(
				/* translators: %s: The total number of widget areas registered. */
					'Your theme has %s widget area, but this particular page does not display it.',
					'Your theme has %s widget areas, but this particular page does not display them.',
				number_format_i18n( $registered_sidebar_count )
			get_bloginfo( 'charset' )

	$settings = array(
		'registeredSidebars'          => array_values( $wp_registered_sidebars ),
		'registeredWidgets'           => $wp_registered_widgets,
		'availableWidgets'            => $available_widgets, // @todo Merge this with registered_widgets.
		'l10n'                        => array(
			'saveBtnLabel'     => __( 'Apply' ),
			'saveBtnTooltip'   => __( 'Save and preview changes before publishing them.' ),
			'removeBtnLabel'   => __( 'Remove' ),
			'removeBtnTooltip' => __( 'Keep widget settings and move it to the inactive widgets' ),
			'error'            => __( 'An error has occurred. Please reload the page and try again.' ),
			'widgetMovedUp'    => __( 'Widget moved up' ),
			'widgetMovedDown'  => __( 'Widget moved down' ),
			'navigatePreview'  => __( 'You can navigate to other pages on your site while using the Customizer to view and edit the widgets displayed on those pages.' ),
			'someAreasShown'   => $some_non_rendered_areas_messages,
			'noAreasShown'     => $no_areas_shown_message,
			'reorderModeOn'    => __( 'Reorder mode enabled' ),
			'reorderModeOff'   => __( 'Reorder mode closed' ),
			'reorderLabelOn'   => esc_attr__( 'Reorder widgets' ),
			/* translators: %d: The number of widgets found. */
			'widgetsFound'     => __( 'Number of widgets found: %d' ),
			'noWidgetsFound'   => __( 'No widgets found.' ),
		'tpl'                         => array(
			'widgetReorderNav' => $widget_reorder_nav_tpl,
			'moveWidgetArea'   => $move_widget_area_tpl,
		'selectiveRefreshableWidgets' => $this->get_selective_refreshable_widgets(),

	foreach ( $settings['registeredWidgets'] as &$registered_widget ) {
		unset( $registered_widget['callback'] ); // May not be JSON-serializable.

		sprintf( 'var _wpCustomizeWidgetsSettings = %s;', wp_json_encode( $settings ) )

	 * TODO: Update 'wp-customize-widgets' to not rely so much on things in
	 * 'customize-widgets'. This will let us skip most of the above and not
	 * enqueue 'customize-widgets' which saves bytes.

	if ( wp_use_widgets_block_editor() ) {
		$block_editor_context = new WP_Block_Editor_Context(
				'name' => 'core/customize-widgets',

		$editor_settings = get_block_editor_settings(

				'wp.domReady( function() {
				   wp.customizeWidgets.initialize( "widgets-customizer", %s );
				} );',
				wp_json_encode( $editor_settings )

		// Preload server-registered block schemas.
			'wp.blocks.unstable__bootstrapServerSideBlockDefinitions(' . wp_json_encode( get_block_editor_server_block_settings() ) . ');'

			sprintf( 'wp.blocks.setCategories( %s );', wp_json_encode( get_block_categories( $block_editor_context ) ) ),

		wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-customize-widgets' );
		wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-customize-widgets' );

		/** This action is documented in edit-form-blocks.php */
		do_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets' );