WP_HTML_Doctype_Info::from_doctype_token()public staticWP 6.7.0

Creates a WP_HTML_Doctype_Info instance by parsing a raw DOCTYPE declaration token.

Use this method to parse a DOCTYPE declaration token and get access to its properties via the returned WP_HTML_Doctype_Info class instance. The provided input must parse properly as a DOCTYPE declaration, though it must not represent a valid DOCTYPE.


// Normative HTML DOCTYPE declaration.
$doctype = WP_HTML_Doctype_Info::from_doctype_token( '<!DOCTYPE html>' );
'no-quirks' === $doctype->indicated_compatability_mode;
// A nonsensical DOCTYPE is still valid, and will indicate "quirks" mode.
$doctype = WP_HTML_Doctype_Info::from_doctype_token( '<!doctypeJSON SILLY "nonsense\'>' );
'quirks' === $doctype->indicated_compatability_mode;
// Textual quirks present in raw HTML are handled appropriately.
$doctype = WP_HTML_Doctype_Info::from_doctype_token( "<!DOCTYPE\nhtml\n>" );
'no-quirks' === $doctype->indicated_compatability_mode;
// Anything other than a proper DOCTYPE declaration token fails to parse.
null === WP_HTML_Doctype_Info::from_doctype_token( ' <!DOCTYPE>' );
null === WP_HTML_Doctype_Info::from_doctype_token( '<!DOCTYPE ><p>' );
null === WP_HTML_Doctype_Info::from_doctype_token( '<!TYPEDOC>' );
null === WP_HTML_Doctype_Info::from_doctype_token( 'html' );
null === WP_HTML_Doctype_Info::from_doctype_token( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>' );

Method of the class: WP_HTML_Doctype_Info{}

No Hooks.


WP_HTML_Doctype_Info|null. A WP_HTML_Doctype_Info instance will be returned if the provided DOCTYPE HTML is a valid DOCTYPE. Otherwise, null.


$result = WP_HTML_Doctype_Info::from_doctype_token( $doctype_html ): ?self;
$doctype_html(string) (required)
The complete raw DOCTYPE HTML string, e.g. <!DOCTYPE html>.


Since 6.7.0 Introduced.

WP_HTML_Doctype_Info::from_doctype_token() code WP 6.7.1

public static function from_doctype_token( string $doctype_html ): ?self {
	$doctype_name      = null;
	$doctype_public_id = null;
	$doctype_system_id = null;

	$end = strlen( $doctype_html ) - 1;

	 * This parser combines the rules for parsing DOCTYPE tokens found in the HTML
	 * specification for the DOCTYPE related tokenizer states.
	 * @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#doctype-state

	 * - Valid DOCTYPE HTML token must be at least `<!DOCTYPE>` assuming a complete token not
	 *   ending in end-of-file.
	 * - It must start with an ASCII case-insensitive match for `<!DOCTYPE`.
	 * - The only occurrence of `>` must be the final byte in the HTML string.
	if (
		$end < 9 ||
		0 !== substr_compare( $doctype_html, '<!DOCTYPE', 0, 9, true )
	) {
		return null;

	$at = 9;
	// Is there one and only one `>`?
	if ( '>' !== $doctype_html[ $end ] || ( strcspn( $doctype_html, '>', $at ) + $at ) < $end ) {
		return null;

	 * Perform newline normalization and ensure the $end value is correct after normalization.
	 * @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#preprocessing-the-input-stream
	 * @see https://infra.spec.whatwg.org/#normalize-newlines
	$doctype_html = str_replace( "\r\n", "\n", $doctype_html );
	$doctype_html = str_replace( "\r", "\n", $doctype_html );
	$end          = strlen( $doctype_html ) - 1;

	 * In this state, the doctype token has been found and its "content" optionally including the
	 * name, public identifier, and system identifier is between the current position and the end.
	 *     "<!DOCTYPE...declaration...>"
	 *               ╰─ $at           ╰─ $end
	 * It's also possible that the declaration part is empty.
	 *               ╭─ $at
	 *     "<!DOCTYPE>"
	 *               ╰─ $end
	 * Rules for parsing ">" which terminates the DOCTYPE do not need to be considered as they
	 * have been handled above in the condition that the provided DOCTYPE HTML must contain
	 * exactly one ">" character in the final position.

	 * Parsing effectively begins in "Before DOCTYPE name state". Ignore whitespace and
	 * proceed to the next state.
	 * @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#before-doctype-name-state
	$at += strspn( $doctype_html, " \t\n\f\r", $at );

	if ( $at >= $end ) {
		return new self( $doctype_name, $doctype_public_id, $doctype_system_id, true );

	$name_length  = strcspn( $doctype_html, " \t\n\f\r", $at, $end - $at );
	$doctype_name = str_replace( "\0", "\u{FFFD}", strtolower( substr( $doctype_html, $at, $name_length ) ) );

	$at += $name_length;
	$at += strspn( $doctype_html, " \t\n\f\r", $at, $end - $at );
	if ( $at >= $end ) {
		return new self( $doctype_name, $doctype_public_id, $doctype_system_id, false );

	 * "After DOCTYPE name state"
	 * Find a case-insensitive match for "PUBLIC" or "SYSTEM" at this point.
	 * Otherwise, set force-quirks and enter bogus DOCTYPE state (skip the rest of the doctype).
	 * @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#after-doctype-name-state
	if ( $at + 6 >= $end ) {
		return new self( $doctype_name, $doctype_public_id, $doctype_system_id, true );

	 * > If the six characters starting from the current input character are an ASCII
	 * > case-insensitive match for the word "PUBLIC", then consume those characters
	 * > and switch to the after DOCTYPE public keyword state.
	if ( 0 === substr_compare( $doctype_html, 'PUBLIC', $at, 6, true ) ) {
		$at += 6;
		$at += strspn( $doctype_html, " \t\n\f\r", $at, $end - $at );
		if ( $at >= $end ) {
			return new self( $doctype_name, $doctype_public_id, $doctype_system_id, true );
		goto parse_doctype_public_identifier;

	 * > Otherwise, if the six characters starting from the current input character are an ASCII
	 * > case-insensitive match for the word "SYSTEM", then consume those characters and switch
	 * > to the after DOCTYPE system keyword state.
	if ( 0 === substr_compare( $doctype_html, 'SYSTEM', $at, 6, true ) ) {
		$at += 6;
		$at += strspn( $doctype_html, " \t\n\f\r", $at, $end - $at );
		if ( $at >= $end ) {
			return new self( $doctype_name, $doctype_public_id, $doctype_system_id, true );
		goto parse_doctype_system_identifier;

	 * > Otherwise, this is an invalid-character-sequence-after-doctype-name parse error.
	 * > Set the current DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to on. Reconsume in the bogus
	 * > DOCTYPE state.
	return new self( $doctype_name, $doctype_public_id, $doctype_system_id, true );

	 * The parser should enter "DOCTYPE public identifier (double-quoted) state" or
	 * "DOCTYPE public identifier (single-quoted) state" by finding one of the valid quotes.
	 * Anything else forces quirks mode and ignores the rest of the contents.
	 * @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#doctype-public-identifier-(double-quoted)-state
	 * @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#doctype-public-identifier-(single-quoted)-state
	$closer_quote = $doctype_html[ $at ];

	 * > This is a missing-quote-before-doctype-public-identifier parse error. Set the
	 * > current DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to on. Reconsume in the bogus DOCTYPE state.
	if ( '"' !== $closer_quote && "'" !== $closer_quote ) {
		return new self( $doctype_name, $doctype_public_id, $doctype_system_id, true );


	$identifier_length = strcspn( $doctype_html, $closer_quote, $at, $end - $at );
	$doctype_public_id = str_replace( "\0", "\u{FFFD}", substr( $doctype_html, $at, $identifier_length ) );

	$at += $identifier_length;
	if ( $at >= $end || $closer_quote !== $doctype_html[ $at ] ) {
		return new self( $doctype_name, $doctype_public_id, $doctype_system_id, true );


	 * "Between DOCTYPE public and system identifiers state"
	 * Advance through whitespace between public and system identifiers.
	 * @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#between-doctype-public-and-system-identifiers-state
	$at += strspn( $doctype_html, " \t\n\f\r", $at, $end - $at );
	if ( $at >= $end ) {
		return new self( $doctype_name, $doctype_public_id, $doctype_system_id, false );

	 * The parser should enter "DOCTYPE system identifier (double-quoted) state" or
	 * "DOCTYPE system identifier (single-quoted) state" by finding one of the valid quotes.
	 * Anything else forces quirks mode and ignores the rest of the contents.
	 * @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#doctype-system-identifier-(double-quoted)-state
	 * @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#doctype-system-identifier-(single-quoted)-state
	$closer_quote = $doctype_html[ $at ];

	 * > This is a missing-quote-before-doctype-system-identifier parse error. Set the
	 * > current DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to on. Reconsume in the bogus DOCTYPE state.
	if ( '"' !== $closer_quote && "'" !== $closer_quote ) {
		return new self( $doctype_name, $doctype_public_id, $doctype_system_id, true );


	$identifier_length = strcspn( $doctype_html, $closer_quote, $at, $end - $at );
	$doctype_system_id = str_replace( "\0", "\u{FFFD}", substr( $doctype_html, $at, $identifier_length ) );

	$at += $identifier_length;
	if ( $at >= $end || $closer_quote !== $doctype_html[ $at ] ) {
		return new self( $doctype_name, $doctype_public_id, $doctype_system_id, true );

	return new self( $doctype_name, $doctype_public_id, $doctype_system_id, false );