WP_Image_Editor::generate_filename()publicWP 3.5.0

Builds an output filename based on current file, and adding proper suffix

Method of the class: WP_Image_Editor{}

No Hooks.


String. filename


$WP_Image_Editor = new WP_Image_Editor();
$WP_Image_Editor->generate_filename( $suffix, $dest_path, $extension );
Default: null
Default: null
Default: null


Since 3.5.0 Introduced.

WP_Image_Editor::generate_filename() code WP 6.6.2

public function generate_filename( $suffix = null, $dest_path = null, $extension = null ) {
	// $suffix will be appended to the destination filename, just before the extension.
	if ( ! $suffix ) {
		$suffix = $this->get_suffix();

	$dir = pathinfo( $this->file, PATHINFO_DIRNAME );
	$ext = pathinfo( $this->file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION );

	$name    = wp_basename( $this->file, ".$ext" );
	$new_ext = strtolower( $extension ? $extension : $ext );

	if ( ! is_null( $dest_path ) ) {
		if ( ! wp_is_stream( $dest_path ) ) {
			$_dest_path = realpath( $dest_path );
			if ( $_dest_path ) {
				$dir = $_dest_path;
		} else {
			$dir = $dest_path;

	return trailingslashit( $dir ) . "{$name}-{$suffix}.{$new_ext}";