WP_Media_List_Table::prepare_items()publicWP 1.0

Method of the class: WP_Media_List_Table{}

No Hooks.


null. Nothing (null).


$WP_Media_List_Table = new WP_Media_List_Table();


  • Global. String. $mode List table view mode.
  • Global. WP_Query. $wp_query WordPress Query object.
  • Global. Array. $post_mime_types
  • Global. Array. $avail_post_mime_types

WP_Media_List_Table::prepare_items() code WP 6.7.1

public function prepare_items() {
	global $mode, $wp_query, $post_mime_types, $avail_post_mime_types;

	$mode = empty( $_REQUEST['mode'] ) ? 'list' : $_REQUEST['mode'];

	 * Exclude attachments scheduled for deletion in the next two hours
	 * if they are for zip packages for interrupted or failed updates.
	 * See File_Upload_Upgrader class.
	$not_in = array();

	$crons = _get_cron_array();

	if ( is_array( $crons ) ) {
		foreach ( $crons as $cron ) {
			if ( isset( $cron['upgrader_scheduled_cleanup'] ) ) {
				$details = reset( $cron['upgrader_scheduled_cleanup'] );

				if ( ! empty( $details['args'][0] ) ) {
					$not_in[] = (int) $details['args'][0];

	if ( ! empty( $_REQUEST['post__not_in'] ) && is_array( $_REQUEST['post__not_in'] ) ) {
		$not_in = array_merge( array_values( $_REQUEST['post__not_in'] ), $not_in );

	if ( ! empty( $not_in ) ) {
		$_REQUEST['post__not_in'] = $not_in;

	list( $post_mime_types, $avail_post_mime_types ) = wp_edit_attachments_query( $_REQUEST );

	$this->is_trash = isset( $_REQUEST['attachment-filter'] ) && 'trash' === $_REQUEST['attachment-filter'];

			'total_items' => $wp_query->found_posts,
			'total_pages' => $wp_query->max_num_pages,
			'per_page'    => $wp_query->query_vars['posts_per_page'],
	if ( $wp_query->posts ) {
		update_post_thumbnail_cache( $wp_query );
		update_post_parent_caches( $wp_query->posts );