WP_Network_Query::__construct()publicWP 4.6.0


Sets up the network query, based on the query vars passed.

Method of the class: WP_Network_Query{}

No Hooks.


null. Nothing (null).


$WP_Network_Query = new WP_Network_Query();
$WP_Network_Query->__construct( $query );

Array or query string of network query parameters.

Default: ''

  • network__in(int[])
    Array of network IDs to include.
    Default: ''

  • network__not_in(int[])
    Array of network IDs to exclude.
    Default: ''

  • count(true|false)
    Whether to return a network count (true) or array of network objects.
    Default: false

  • fields(string)
    Network fields to return. Accepts 'ids' (returns an array of network IDs) or empty (returns an array of complete network objects).
    Default: ''

  • number(int)
    Maximum number of networks to retrieve.
    Default: empty (no limit)

  • offset(int)
    Number of networks to offset the query. Used to build LIMIT clause.

  • no_found_rows(true|false)
    Whether to disable the SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS query.
    Default: true

  • orderby(string|array)
    Network status or array of statuses. Accepts 'id', 'domain', 'path', 'domain_length', 'path_length' and 'network__in'. Also accepts false, an empty array, or 'none' to disable ORDER BY clause.
    Default: 'id'

  • order(string)
    How to order retrieved networks. Accepts 'ASC', 'DESC'.
    Default: 'ASC'

  • domain(string)
    Limit results to those affiliated with a given domain.
    Default: ''

  • domain__in(string[])
    Array of domains to include affiliated networks for.
    Default: ''

  • domain__not_in(string[])
    Array of domains to exclude affiliated networks for.
    Default: ''

  • path(string)
    Limit results to those affiliated with a given path.
    Default: ''

  • path__in(string[])
    Array of paths to include affiliated networks for.
    Default: ''

  • path__not_in(string[])
    Array of paths to exclude affiliated networks for.
    Default: ''

  • search(string)
    Search term(s) to retrieve matching networks for.
    Default: ''

  • update_network_cache(true|false)
    Whether to prime the cache for found networks.
    Default: true


Since 4.6.0 Introduced.

WP_Network_Query::__construct() code WP 6.5.2

public function __construct( $query = '' ) {
	$this->query_var_defaults = array(
		'network__in'          => '',
		'network__not_in'      => '',
		'count'                => false,
		'fields'               => '',
		'number'               => '',
		'offset'               => '',
		'no_found_rows'        => true,
		'orderby'              => 'id',
		'order'                => 'ASC',
		'domain'               => '',
		'domain__in'           => '',
		'domain__not_in'       => '',
		'path'                 => '',
		'path__in'             => '',
		'path__not_in'         => '',
		'search'               => '',
		'update_network_cache' => true,

	if ( ! empty( $query ) ) {
		$this->query( $query );