WP_Privacy_Data_Removal_Requests_Table{}WP 4.9.6

Deprecated from version 5.3.0. It is no longer supported and can be removed in future releases. It is recommended to replace this function with the same one.

Previous class for list table for privacy data erasure requests.

No Hooks.


$WP_Privacy_Data_Removal_Requests_Table = new WP_Privacy_Data_Removal_Requests_Table();
// use class methods


  1. public __construct( $args )


Since 4.9.6 Introduced.
Deprecated since 5.3.0

WP_Privacy_Data_Removal_Requests_Table{} code WP 6.7.1

class WP_Privacy_Data_Removal_Requests_Table extends WP_Privacy_Data_Removal_Requests_List_Table {
	function __construct( $args ) {
		_deprecated_function( __CLASS__, '5.3.0', 'WP_Privacy_Data_Removal_Requests_List_Table' );

		if ( ! isset( $args['screen'] ) || $args['screen'] === 'remove_personal_data' ) {
			$args['screen'] = 'erase-personal-data';

		parent::__construct( $args );