WP_Query::init_query_flags()privateWP 2.0.0

Resets query flags to false.

The query flags are what page info WordPress was able to figure out.

Method of the class: WP_Query{}

No Hooks.


null. Nothing (null).


// private - for code of main (parent) class only
$result = $this->init_query_flags();


Since 2.0.0 Introduced.

WP_Query::init_query_flags() code WP 6.7.1

private function init_query_flags() {
	$this->is_single            = false;
	$this->is_preview           = false;
	$this->is_page              = false;
	$this->is_archive           = false;
	$this->is_date              = false;
	$this->is_year              = false;
	$this->is_month             = false;
	$this->is_day               = false;
	$this->is_time              = false;
	$this->is_author            = false;
	$this->is_category          = false;
	$this->is_tag               = false;
	$this->is_tax               = false;
	$this->is_search            = false;
	$this->is_feed              = false;
	$this->is_comment_feed      = false;
	$this->is_trackback         = false;
	$this->is_home              = false;
	$this->is_privacy_policy    = false;
	$this->is_404               = false;
	$this->is_paged             = false;
	$this->is_admin             = false;
	$this->is_attachment        = false;
	$this->is_singular          = false;
	$this->is_robots            = false;
	$this->is_favicon           = false;
	$this->is_posts_page        = false;
	$this->is_post_type_archive = false;