Determines the featured media based on a request param.
Method of the class: WP_REST_Attachments_Controller{}
No Hooks.
. Whether the post thumbnail was successfully deleted, otherwise WP_Error.
// protected - for code of main (parent) or child class $result = $this->handle_featured_media( $featured_media, $post_id );
- $featured_media(int) (required)
- Featured Media ID.
- $post_id(int) (required)
- Post ID.
Since 6.5.0 | Introduced. |
WP_REST_Attachments_Controller::handle_featured_media() WP REST Attachments Controller::handle featured media code WP 6.7.1
protected function handle_featured_media( $featured_media, $post_id ) { $post_type = get_post_type( $post_id ); $thumbnail_support = current_theme_supports( 'post-thumbnails', $post_type ) && post_type_supports( $post_type, 'thumbnail' ); // Similar check as in wp_insert_post(). if ( ! $thumbnail_support && get_post_mime_type( $post_id ) ) { if ( wp_attachment_is( 'audio', $post_id ) ) { $thumbnail_support = post_type_supports( 'attachment:audio', 'thumbnail' ) || current_theme_supports( 'post-thumbnails', 'attachment:audio' ); } elseif ( wp_attachment_is( 'video', $post_id ) ) { $thumbnail_support = post_type_supports( 'attachment:video', 'thumbnail' ) || current_theme_supports( 'post-thumbnails', 'attachment:video' ); } } if ( $thumbnail_support ) { return parent::handle_featured_media( $featured_media, $post_id ); } return new WP_Error( 'rest_no_featured_media', sprintf( /* translators: %s: attachment mime type */ __( 'This site does not support post thumbnails on attachments with MIME type %s.' ), get_post_mime_type( $post_id ) ), array( 'status' => 400 ) ); }