WP_REST_Comments_Controller::prepare_links()protectedWP 4.7.0

Prepares links for the request.

Method of the class: WP_REST_Comments_Controller{}

No Hooks.


Array. Links for the given comment.


// protected - for code of main (parent) or child class
$result = $this->prepare_links( $comment );
$comment(WP_Comment) (required)
Comment object.


Since 4.7.0 Introduced.

WP_REST_Comments_Controller::prepare_links() code WP 6.7.1

protected function prepare_links( $comment ) {
	$links = array(
		'self'       => array(
			'href' => rest_url( sprintf( '%s/%s/%d', $this->namespace, $this->rest_base, $comment->comment_ID ) ),
		'collection' => array(
			'href' => rest_url( sprintf( '%s/%s', $this->namespace, $this->rest_base ) ),

	if ( 0 !== (int) $comment->user_id ) {
		$links['author'] = array(
			'href'       => rest_url( 'wp/v2/users/' . $comment->user_id ),
			'embeddable' => true,

	if ( 0 !== (int) $comment->comment_post_ID ) {
		$post       = get_post( $comment->comment_post_ID );
		$post_route = rest_get_route_for_post( $post );

		if ( ! empty( $post->ID ) && $post_route ) {
			$links['up'] = array(
				'href'       => rest_url( $post_route ),
				'embeddable' => true,
				'post_type'  => $post->post_type,

	if ( 0 !== (int) $comment->comment_parent ) {
		$links['in-reply-to'] = array(
			'href'       => rest_url( sprintf( '%s/%s/%d', $this->namespace, $this->rest_base, $comment->comment_parent ) ),
			'embeddable' => true,

	// Only grab one comment to verify the comment has children.
	$comment_children = $comment->get_children(
			'count'   => true,
			'orderby' => 'none',

	if ( ! empty( $comment_children ) ) {
		$args = array(
			'parent' => $comment->comment_ID,

		$rest_url = add_query_arg( $args, rest_url( $this->namespace . '/' . $this->rest_base ) );

		$links['children'] = array(
			'href'       => $rest_url,
			'embeddable' => true,

	return $links;