WP_Textdomain_Registry::get_path_from_lang_dir()privateWP 6.1.0

Gets the path to the language directory for the current domain and locale.

Checks the plugins and themes language directories as well as any custom directory set via load_plugin_textdomain() or load_theme_textdomain().

Method of the class: WP_Textdomain_Registry{}

No Hooks.


String|false. Language directory path or false if there is none available.


// private - for code of main (parent) class only
$result = $this->get_path_from_lang_dir( $domain, $locale );
$domain(string) (required)
Text domain.
$locale(string) (required)



Since 6.1.0 Introduced.

WP_Textdomain_Registry::get_path_from_lang_dir() code WP 6.5.2

private function get_path_from_lang_dir( $domain, $locale ) {
	$locations = $this->get_paths_for_domain( $domain );

	$found_location = false;

	foreach ( $locations as $location ) {
		$files = $this->get_language_files_from_path( $location );

		$mo_path  = "$location/$domain-$locale.mo";
		$php_path = "$location/$domain-$locale.l10n.php";

		foreach ( $files as $file_path ) {
			if (
				! in_array( $domain, $this->domains_with_translations, true ) &&
				str_starts_with( str_replace( "$location/", '', $file_path ), "$domain-" )
			) {
				$this->domains_with_translations[] = $domain;

			if ( $file_path === $mo_path || $file_path === $php_path ) {
				$found_location = rtrim( $location, '/' ) . '/';
				break 2;

	if ( $found_location ) {
		$this->set( $domain, $locale, $found_location );

		return $found_location;

	 * If no path is found for the given locale and a custom path has been set
	 * using load_plugin_textdomain/load_theme_textdomain, use that one.
	if ( 'en_US' !== $locale && isset( $this->custom_paths[ $domain ] ) ) {
		$fallback_location = rtrim( $this->custom_paths[ $domain ], '/' ) . '/';
		$this->set( $domain, $locale, $fallback_location );
		return $fallback_location;

	$this->set( $domain, $locale, false );

	return false;