WP_Theme_JSON::set_spacing_sizes()publicWP 6.1.0

Sets the spacingSizes array based on the spacingScale values from theme.json.

Method of the class: WP_Theme_JSON{}

No Hooks.




$WP_Theme_JSON = new WP_Theme_JSON();


Since 6.1.0 Introduced.

WP_Theme_JSON::set_spacing_sizes() code WP 6.5.2

public function set_spacing_sizes() {
	$spacing_scale = isset( $this->theme_json['settings']['spacing']['spacingScale'] )
		? $this->theme_json['settings']['spacing']['spacingScale']
		: array();

	if ( ! isset( $spacing_scale['steps'] )
		|| ! is_numeric( $spacing_scale['steps'] )
		|| ! isset( $spacing_scale['mediumStep'] )
		|| ! isset( $spacing_scale['unit'] )
		|| ! isset( $spacing_scale['operator'] )
		|| ! isset( $spacing_scale['increment'] )
		|| ! isset( $spacing_scale['steps'] )
		|| ! is_numeric( $spacing_scale['increment'] )
		|| ! is_numeric( $spacing_scale['mediumStep'] )
		|| ( '+' !== $spacing_scale['operator'] && '*' !== $spacing_scale['operator'] ) ) {
		if ( ! empty( $spacing_scale ) ) {
					/* translators: 1: theme.json, 2: settings.spacing.spacingScale */
					__( 'Some of the %1$s %2$s values are invalid' ),
		return null;

	// If theme authors want to prevent the generation of the core spacing scale they can set their theme.json spacingScale.steps to 0.
	if ( 0 === $spacing_scale['steps'] ) {
		return null;

	$unit            = '%' === $spacing_scale['unit'] ? '%' : sanitize_title( $spacing_scale['unit'] );
	$current_step    = $spacing_scale['mediumStep'];
	$steps_mid_point = round( $spacing_scale['steps'] / 2, 0 );
	$x_small_count   = null;
	$below_sizes     = array();
	$slug            = 40;
	$remainder       = 0;

	for ( $below_midpoint_count = $steps_mid_point - 1; $spacing_scale['steps'] > 1 && $slug > 0 && $below_midpoint_count > 0; $below_midpoint_count-- ) {
		if ( '+' === $spacing_scale['operator'] ) {
			$current_step -= $spacing_scale['increment'];
		} elseif ( $spacing_scale['increment'] > 1 ) {
			$current_step /= $spacing_scale['increment'];
		} else {
			$current_step *= $spacing_scale['increment'];

		if ( $current_step <= 0 ) {
			$remainder = $below_midpoint_count;

		$below_sizes[] = array(
			/* translators: %s: Digit to indicate multiple of sizing, eg. 2X-Small. */
			'name' => $below_midpoint_count === $steps_mid_point - 1 ? __( 'Small' ) : sprintf( __( '%sX-Small' ), (string) $x_small_count ),
			'slug' => (string) $slug,
			'size' => round( $current_step, 2 ) . $unit,

		if ( $below_midpoint_count === $steps_mid_point - 2 ) {
			$x_small_count = 2;

		if ( $below_midpoint_count < $steps_mid_point - 2 ) {

		$slug -= 10;

	$below_sizes = array_reverse( $below_sizes );

	$below_sizes[] = array(
		'name' => __( 'Medium' ),
		'slug' => '50',
		'size' => $spacing_scale['mediumStep'] . $unit,

	$current_step  = $spacing_scale['mediumStep'];
	$x_large_count = null;
	$above_sizes   = array();
	$slug          = 60;
	$steps_above   = ( $spacing_scale['steps'] - $steps_mid_point ) + $remainder;

	for ( $above_midpoint_count = 0; $above_midpoint_count < $steps_above; $above_midpoint_count++ ) {
		$current_step = '+' === $spacing_scale['operator']
			? $current_step + $spacing_scale['increment']
			: ( $spacing_scale['increment'] >= 1 ? $current_step * $spacing_scale['increment'] : $current_step / $spacing_scale['increment'] );

		$above_sizes[] = array(
			/* translators: %s: Digit to indicate multiple of sizing, eg. 2X-Large. */
			'name' => 0 === $above_midpoint_count ? __( 'Large' ) : sprintf( __( '%sX-Large' ), (string) $x_large_count ),
			'slug' => (string) $slug,
			'size' => round( $current_step, 2 ) . $unit,

		if ( 1 === $above_midpoint_count ) {
			$x_large_count = 2;

		if ( $above_midpoint_count > 1 ) {

		$slug += 10;

	$spacing_sizes = $below_sizes;
	foreach ( $above_sizes as $above_sizes_item ) {
		$spacing_sizes[] = $above_sizes_item;

	// If there are 7 or fewer steps in the scale revert to numbers for labels instead of t-shirt sizes.
	if ( $spacing_scale['steps'] <= 7 ) {
		for ( $spacing_sizes_count = 0; $spacing_sizes_count < count( $spacing_sizes ); $spacing_sizes_count++ ) {
			$spacing_sizes[ $spacing_sizes_count ]['name'] = (string) ( $spacing_sizes_count + 1 );

	_wp_array_set( $this->theme_json, array( 'settings', 'spacing', 'spacingSizes', 'default' ), $spacing_sizes );