Create a token map using an associative array of key/value pairs as the input.
$smilies = WP_Token_Map::from_array( array( '8O' => '😯', ':(' => '🙁', ':)' => '🙂', ':?' => '😕', ) );
Method of the class: WP_Token_Map{}
No Hooks.
. Token map, unless unable to create it.
$result = WP_Token_Map::from_array( $mappings, $key_length ): ?WP_Token_Map;
- $mappings(array) (required)
- The keys transform into the values, both are strings.
- $key_length(int)
- Determines the group key length. Leave at the default value of 2 unless there's an empirical reason to change it.
Default: 2
Since 6.6.0 | Introduced. |
WP_Token_Map::from_array() WP Token Map::from array code WP 6.7.1
public static function from_array( array $mappings, int $key_length = 2 ): ?WP_Token_Map { $map = new WP_Token_Map(); $map->key_length = $key_length; // Start by grouping words. $groups = array(); $shorts = array(); foreach ( $mappings as $word => $mapping ) { if ( self::MAX_LENGTH <= strlen( $word ) || self::MAX_LENGTH <= strlen( $mapping ) ) { _doing_it_wrong( __METHOD__, sprintf( /* translators: 1: maximum byte length (a count) */ __( 'Token Map tokens and substitutions must all be shorter than %1$d bytes.' ), self::MAX_LENGTH ), '6.6.0' ); return null; } $length = strlen( $word ); if ( $key_length >= $length ) { $shorts[] = $word; } else { $group = substr( $word, 0, $key_length ); if ( ! isset( $groups[ $group ] ) ) { $groups[ $group ] = array(); } $groups[ $group ][] = array( substr( $word, $key_length ), $mapping ); } } /* * Sort the words to ensure that no smaller substring of a match masks the full match. * For example, `Cap` should not match before `CapitalDifferentialD`. */ usort( $shorts, 'WP_Token_Map::longest_first_then_alphabetical' ); foreach ( $groups as $group_key => $group ) { usort( $groups[ $group_key ], static function ( array $a, array $b ): int { return self::longest_first_then_alphabetical( $a[0], $b[0] ); } ); } // Finally construct the optimized lookups. foreach ( $shorts as $word ) { $map->small_words .= str_pad( $word, $key_length + 1, "\x00", STR_PAD_RIGHT ); $map->small_mappings[] = $mappings[ $word ]; } $group_keys = array_keys( $groups ); sort( $group_keys ); foreach ( $group_keys as $group ) { $map->groups .= "{$group}\x00"; $group_string = ''; foreach ( $groups[ $group ] as $group_word ) { list( $word, $mapping ) = $group_word; $word_length = pack( 'C', strlen( $word ) ); $mapping_length = pack( 'C', strlen( $mapping ) ); $group_string .= "{$word_length}{$word}{$mapping_length}{$mapping}"; } $map->large_words[] = $group_string; } return $map; }