WP_Token_Map::to_array()publicWP 1.0

Exports the token map into an associate array of key/value pairs.


$smilies->to_array() === array(
	'8O' => '😯',
	':(' => '🙁',
	':)' => '🙂',
	':?' => '😕',

Method of the class: WP_Token_Map{}

No Hooks.


Array. The lookup key/substitution values as an associate array.


$WP_Token_Map = new WP_Token_Map();
$WP_Token_Map->to_array(): array;

WP_Token_Map::to_array() code WP 6.7.1

public function to_array(): array {
	$tokens = array();

	$at            = 0;
	$small_mapping = 0;
	$small_length  = strlen( $this->small_words );
	while ( $at < $small_length ) {
		$key            = rtrim( substr( $this->small_words, $at, $this->key_length + 1 ), "\x00" );
		$value          = $this->small_mappings[ $small_mapping++ ];
		$tokens[ $key ] = $value;

		$at += $this->key_length + 1;

	foreach ( $this->large_words as $index => $group ) {
		$prefix       = substr( $this->groups, $index * ( $this->key_length + 1 ), 2 );
		$group_length = strlen( $group );
		$at           = 0;
		while ( $at < $group_length ) {
			$length = unpack( 'C', $group[ $at++ ] )[1];
			$key    = $prefix . substr( $group, $at, $length );

			$at    += $length;
			$length = unpack( 'C', $group[ $at++ ] )[1];
			$value  = substr( $group, $at, $length );

			$tokens[ $key ] = $value;
			$at            += $length;

	return $tokens;