WP_Translation_File_PHP::var_export()privateWP 6.5.0

Outputs or returns a parsable string representation of a variable.

Like {@see var_export()} but "minified", using short array syntax and no newlines.

Method of the class: WP_Translation_File_PHP{}

No Hooks.


String. The variable representation.


// private - for code of main (parent) class only
$result = $this->var_export( $value ): string;
$value(mixed) (required)
The variable you want to export.


Since 6.5.0 Introduced.

WP_Translation_File_PHP::var_export() code WP 6.6.2

private function var_export( $value ): string {
	if ( ! is_array( $value ) ) {
		return var_export( $value, true );

	$entries = array();

	$is_list = array_is_list( $value );

	foreach ( $value as $key => $val ) {
		$entries[] = $is_list ? $this->var_export( $val ) : var_export( $key, true ) . '=>' . $this->var_export( $val );

	return '[' . implode( ',', $entries ) . ']';