_wp_normalize_relative_css_links()WP 5.9.0

Makes URLs relative to the WordPress installation.

Internal function — this function is designed to be used by the kernel itself. It is not recommended to use this function in your code.

No Hooks.


String. The CSS with URLs made relative to the WordPress installation.


_wp_normalize_relative_css_links( $css, $stylesheet_url );
$css(string) (required)
The CSS to make URLs relative to the WordPress installation.
$stylesheet_url(string) (required)
The URL to the stylesheet.


Since 5.9.0 Introduced.

_wp_normalize_relative_css_links() code WP 6.5.2

function _wp_normalize_relative_css_links( $css, $stylesheet_url ) {
	return preg_replace_callback(
		static function ( $matches ) use ( $stylesheet_url ) {
			list( , $prefix, $url ) = $matches;

			// Short-circuit if the URL does not require normalization.
			if (
				str_starts_with( $url, 'http:' ) ||
				str_starts_with( $url, 'https:' ) ||
				str_starts_with( $url, '//' ) ||
				str_starts_with( $url, '#' ) ||
				str_starts_with( $url, 'data:' )
			) {
				return $matches[0];

			// Build the absolute URL.
			$absolute_url = dirname( $stylesheet_url ) . '/' . $url;
			$absolute_url = str_replace( '/./', '/', $absolute_url );

			// Convert to URL related to the site root.
			$url = wp_make_link_relative( $absolute_url );

			return $prefix . $url;