_wp_post_thumbnail_class_filter_remove()WP 2.9.0

Removes the '_wp_post_thumbnail_class_filter' callback from the wp_get_attachment_image_attributes hook. Internal use only.

Internal function — this function is designed to be used by the kernel itself. It is not recommended to use this function in your code.

No Hooks.


null. Nothing (null).


_wp_post_thumbnail_class_filter_remove( $attr );
$attr(string[]) (required)
Array of thumbnail attributes including src, class, alt, title, keyed by attribute name.


Since 2.9.0 Introduced.

_wp_post_thumbnail_class_filter_remove() code WP 6.5.2

function _wp_post_thumbnail_class_filter_remove( $attr ) {
	remove_filter( 'wp_get_attachment_image_attributes', '_wp_post_thumbnail_class_filter' );