_wp_specialchars()WP 1.2.2

Converts a number of special characters into their HTML entities.

Specifically deals with: &, <, >, ", and '.

$quote_style can be set to ENT_COMPAT to encode " to ", or ENT_QUOTES to do both. Default is ENT_NOQUOTES where no quotes are encoded.

Internal function — this function is designed to be used by the kernel itself. It is not recommended to use this function in your code.

No Hooks.


String. The encoded text with HTML entities.


_wp_specialchars( $text, $quote_style, $charset, $double_encode );
$text(string) (required)
The text which is to be encoded.
Converts double quotes if set to ENT_COMPAT, both single and double if set to ENT_QUOTES or none if set to ENT_NOQUOTES. Converts single and double quotes, as well as converting HTML named entities (that are not also XML named entities) to their code points if set to ENT_XML1. Also compatible with old values; converting single quotes if set to 'single', double if set to 'double' or both if otherwise set.
The character encoding of the string.
Default: false
Whether to encode existing HTML entities.
Default: false


Since 1.2.2 Introduced.
Since 5.5.0 $quote_style also accepts ENT_XML1.

_wp_specialchars() code WP 6.7.1

function _wp_specialchars( $text, $quote_style = ENT_NOQUOTES, $charset = false, $double_encode = false ) {
	$text = (string) $text;

	if ( 0 === strlen( $text ) ) {
		return '';

	// Don't bother if there are no specialchars - saves some processing.
	if ( ! preg_match( '/[&<>"\']/', $text ) ) {
		return $text;

	// Account for the previous behavior of the function when the $quote_style is not an accepted value.
	if ( empty( $quote_style ) ) {
		$quote_style = ENT_NOQUOTES;
	} elseif ( ENT_XML1 === $quote_style ) {
		$quote_style = ENT_QUOTES | ENT_XML1;
	} elseif ( ! in_array( $quote_style, array( ENT_NOQUOTES, ENT_COMPAT, ENT_QUOTES, 'single', 'double' ), true ) ) {
		$quote_style = ENT_QUOTES;

	$charset = _canonical_charset( $charset ? $charset : get_option( 'blog_charset' ) );

	$_quote_style = $quote_style;

	if ( 'double' === $quote_style ) {
		$quote_style  = ENT_COMPAT;
		$_quote_style = ENT_COMPAT;
	} elseif ( 'single' === $quote_style ) {
		$quote_style = ENT_NOQUOTES;

	if ( ! $double_encode ) {
		 * Guarantee every &entity; is valid, convert &garbage; into &amp;garbage;
		 * This is required for PHP < 5.4.0 because ENT_HTML401 flag is unavailable.
		$text = wp_kses_normalize_entities( $text, ( $quote_style & ENT_XML1 ) ? 'xml' : 'html' );

	$text = htmlspecialchars( $text, $quote_style, $charset, $double_encode );

	// Back-compat.
	if ( 'single' === $_quote_style ) {
		$text = str_replace( "'", '&#039;', $text );

	return $text;