block_core_navigation_parse_blocks_from_menu_items()WP 5.9.0

Deprecated from version 6.3.0. It is no longer supported and can be removed in future releases. Use WP_Navigation_Fallback::parse_blocks_from_menu_items() instead.

Turns menu item data into a nested array of parsed blocks

No Hooks.


Array. An array of parsed block data.


block_core_navigation_parse_blocks_from_menu_items( $menu_items, $menu_items_by_parent_id );
$menu_items(array) (required)
An array of menu items that represent an individual level of a menu.
$menu_items_by_parent_id(array) (required)
An array keyed by the id of the parent menu where each element is an array of menu items that belong to that parent.


Since 5.9.0 Introduced.
Deprecated since 6.3.0 Use WP_Navigation_Fallback::parse_blocks_from_menu_items() instead.

block_core_navigation_parse_blocks_from_menu_items() code WP 6.7.1

function block_core_navigation_parse_blocks_from_menu_items( $menu_items, $menu_items_by_parent_id ) {

	_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '6.3.0', 'WP_Navigation_Fallback::parse_blocks_from_menu_items' );

	if ( empty( $menu_items ) ) {
		return array();

	$blocks = array();

	foreach ( $menu_items as $menu_item ) {
		$class_name       = ! empty( $menu_item->classes ) ? implode( ' ', (array) $menu_item->classes ) : null;
		$id               = ( null !== $menu_item->object_id && 'custom' !== $menu_item->object ) ? $menu_item->object_id : null;
		$opens_in_new_tab = null !== $menu_item->target && '_blank' === $menu_item->target;
		$rel              = ( null !== $menu_item->xfn && '' !== $menu_item->xfn ) ? $menu_item->xfn : null;
		$kind             = null !== $menu_item->type ? str_replace( '_', '-', $menu_item->type ) : 'custom';

		$block = array(
			'blockName' => isset( $menu_items_by_parent_id[ $menu_item->ID ] ) ? 'core/navigation-submenu' : 'core/navigation-link',
			'attrs'     => array(
				'className'     => $class_name,
				'description'   => $menu_item->description,
				'id'            => $id,
				'kind'          => $kind,
				'label'         => $menu_item->title,
				'opensInNewTab' => $opens_in_new_tab,
				'rel'           => $rel,
				'title'         => $menu_item->attr_title,
				'type'          => $menu_item->object,
				'url'           => $menu_item->url,

		$block['innerBlocks']  = isset( $menu_items_by_parent_id[ $menu_item->ID ] )
			? block_core_navigation_parse_blocks_from_menu_items( $menu_items_by_parent_id[ $menu_item->ID ], $menu_items_by_parent_id )
			: array();
		$block['innerContent'] = array_map( 'serialize_block', $block['innerBlocks'] );

		$blocks[] = $block;

	return $blocks;