block_core_query_disable_enhanced_pagination()WP 6.4.0

Traverse the tree of blocks looking for any plugin block (i.e., a block from an installed plugin) inside a Query block with the enhanced pagination enabled. If at least one is found, the enhanced pagination is effectively disabled to prevent any potential incompatibilities.

No Hooks.


String. Returns the parsed block, unmodified.


block_core_query_disable_enhanced_pagination( $parsed_block );
$parsed_block(array) (required)
The block being rendered.


Since 6.4.0 Introduced.

block_core_query_disable_enhanced_pagination() code WP 6.7.1

function block_core_query_disable_enhanced_pagination( $parsed_block ) {
	static $enhanced_query_stack   = array();
	static $dirty_enhanced_queries = array();
	static $render_query_callback  = null;

	$block_name              = $parsed_block['blockName'];
	$block_type              = WP_Block_Type_Registry::get_instance()->get_registered( $block_name );
	$has_enhanced_pagination = isset( $parsed_block['attrs']['enhancedPagination'] ) && true === $parsed_block['attrs']['enhancedPagination'] && isset( $parsed_block['attrs']['queryId'] );
	 * Client side navigation can be true in two states:
	 *  - supports.interactivity = true;
	 *  - supports.interactivity.clientNavigation = true;
	$supports_client_navigation = ( isset( $block_type->supports['interactivity']['clientNavigation'] ) && true === $block_type->supports['interactivity']['clientNavigation'] )
		|| ( isset( $block_type->supports['interactivity'] ) && true === $block_type->supports['interactivity'] );

	if ( 'core/query' === $block_name && $has_enhanced_pagination ) {
		$enhanced_query_stack[] = $parsed_block['attrs']['queryId'];

		if ( ! isset( $render_query_callback ) ) {
			 * Filter that disables the enhanced pagination feature during block
			 * rendering when a plugin block has been found inside. It does so
			 * by adding an attribute called `data-wp-navigation-disabled` which
			 * is later handled by the front-end logic.
			 * @param string   $content  The block content.
			 * @param array    $block    The full block, including name and attributes.
			 * @return string Returns the modified output of the query block.
			$render_query_callback = static function ( $content, $block ) use ( &$enhanced_query_stack, &$dirty_enhanced_queries, &$render_query_callback ) {
				$has_enhanced_pagination = isset( $block['attrs']['enhancedPagination'] ) && true === $block['attrs']['enhancedPagination'] && isset( $block['attrs']['queryId'] );

				if ( ! $has_enhanced_pagination ) {
					return $content;

				if ( isset( $dirty_enhanced_queries[ $block['attrs']['queryId'] ] ) ) {
					// Disable navigation in the router store config.
					wp_interactivity_config( 'core/router', array( 'clientNavigationDisabled' => true ) );
					$dirty_enhanced_queries[ $block['attrs']['queryId'] ] = null;

				array_pop( $enhanced_query_stack );

				if ( empty( $enhanced_query_stack ) ) {
					remove_filter( 'render_block_core/query', $render_query_callback );
					$render_query_callback = null;

				return $content;

			add_filter( 'render_block_core/query', $render_query_callback, 10, 2 );
	} elseif (
		! empty( $enhanced_query_stack ) &&
		isset( $block_name ) &&
		( ! $supports_client_navigation )
	) {
		foreach ( $enhanced_query_stack as $query_id ) {
			$dirty_enhanced_queries[ $query_id ] = true;

	return $parsed_block;