get_attachment_taxonomies()WP 2.5.0

Retrieves taxonomies attached to given the attachment.

No Hooks.


String[]|WP_Taxonomy[]. List of taxonomies or taxonomy names. Empty array on failure.


get_attachment_taxonomies( $attachment, $output );
$attachment(int|array|object) (required)
Attachment ID, data array, or data object.
Output type. 'names' to return an array of taxonomy names, or 'objects' to return an array of taxonomy objects.
Default: 'names'


Since 2.5.0 Introduced.
Since 4.7.0 Introduced the $output parameter.

get_attachment_taxonomies() code WP 6.7.1

function get_attachment_taxonomies( $attachment, $output = 'names' ) {
	if ( is_int( $attachment ) ) {
		$attachment = get_post( $attachment );
	} elseif ( is_array( $attachment ) ) {
		$attachment = (object) $attachment;

	if ( ! is_object( $attachment ) ) {
		return array();

	$file     = get_attached_file( $attachment->ID );
	$filename = wp_basename( $file );

	$objects = array( 'attachment' );

	if ( str_contains( $filename, '.' ) ) {
		$objects[] = 'attachment:' . substr( $filename, strrpos( $filename, '.' ) + 1 );

	if ( ! empty( $attachment->post_mime_type ) ) {
		$objects[] = 'attachment:' . $attachment->post_mime_type;

		if ( str_contains( $attachment->post_mime_type, '/' ) ) {
			foreach ( explode( '/', $attachment->post_mime_type ) as $token ) {
				if ( ! empty( $token ) ) {
					$objects[] = "attachment:$token";

	$taxonomies = array();

	foreach ( $objects as $object ) {
		$taxes = get_object_taxonomies( $object, $output );

		if ( $taxes ) {
			$taxonomies = array_merge( $taxonomies, $taxes );

	if ( 'names' === $output ) {
		$taxonomies = array_unique( $taxonomies );

	return $taxonomies;