render_block_core_comments_pagination_previous()WP 1.0

Renders the core/comments-pagination-previous block on the server.

No Hooks.


String. Returns the previous posts link for the comments pagination.


render_block_core_comments_pagination_previous( $attributes, $content, $block );
$attributes(array) (required)
Block attributes.
$content(string) (required)
Block default content.
$block(WP_Block) (required)
Block instance.

render_block_core_comments_pagination_previous() code WP 6.5.2

function render_block_core_comments_pagination_previous( $attributes, $content, $block ) {
	$default_label    = __( 'Older Comments' );
	$label            = isset( $attributes['label'] ) && ! empty( $attributes['label'] ) ? $attributes['label'] : $default_label;
	$pagination_arrow = get_comments_pagination_arrow( $block, 'previous' );
	if ( $pagination_arrow ) {
		$label = $pagination_arrow . $label;

	$filter_link_attributes = static function () {
		return get_block_wrapper_attributes();
	add_filter( 'previous_comments_link_attributes', $filter_link_attributes );

	$previous_comments_link = get_previous_comments_link( $label );

	remove_filter( 'previous_comments_link_attributes', $filter_link_attributes );

	if ( ! isset( $previous_comments_link ) ) {
		return '';

	return $previous_comments_link;