Renders the core/post-content block on the server.
Hooks from the function
. Returns the filtered post content of the current post.
render_block_core_post_content( $attributes, $content, $block );
- $attributes(array) (required)
- Block attributes.
- $content(string) (required)
- Block default content.
- $block(WP_Block) (required)
- Block instance.
Since 5.8.0 | Introduced. |
render_block_core_post_content() render block core post content code WP 6.7.1
function render_block_core_post_content( $attributes, $content, $block ) { static $seen_ids = array(); if ( ! isset( $block->context['postId'] ) ) { return ''; } $post_id = $block->context['postId']; if ( isset( $seen_ids[ $post_id ] ) ) { // WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY must only be honored when WP_DEBUG. This precedent // is set in `wp_debug_mode()`. $is_debug = WP_DEBUG && WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY; return $is_debug ? // translators: Visible only in the front end, this warning takes the place of a faulty block. __( '[block rendering halted]' ) : ''; } $seen_ids[ $post_id ] = true; // When inside the main loop, we want to use queried object // so that `the_preview` for the current post can apply. // We force this behavior by omitting the third argument (post ID) from the `get_the_content`. $content = get_the_content(); // Check for nextpage to display page links for paginated posts. if ( has_block( 'core/nextpage' ) ) { $content .= wp_link_pages( array( 'echo' => 0 ) ); } /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/post-template.php */ $content = apply_filters( 'the_content', str_replace( ']]>', ']]>', $content ) ); unset( $seen_ids[ $post_id ] ); if ( empty( $content ) ) { return ''; } $wrapper_attributes = get_block_wrapper_attributes( array( 'class' => 'entry-content' ) ); return ( '<div ' . $wrapper_attributes . '>' . $content . '</div>' ); }