render_block_core_post_featured_image() │ WP 5.8.0
Renders the core/post-featured-image block on the server.
No Hooks.
. Returns the featured image for the current post.
render_block_core_post_featured_image( $attributes, $content, $block );
- $attributes(array) (required)
- Block attributes.
- $content(string) (required)
- Block default content.
- $block(WP_Block) (required)
- Block instance.
Since 5.8.0 | Introduced. |
render_block_core_post_featured_image() render block core post featured image code WP 6.7.1
function render_block_core_post_featured_image( $attributes, $content, $block ) { if ( ! isset( $block->context['postId'] ) ) { return ''; } $post_ID = $block->context['postId']; $is_link = isset( $attributes['isLink'] ) && $attributes['isLink']; $size_slug = isset( $attributes['sizeSlug'] ) ? $attributes['sizeSlug'] : 'post-thumbnail'; $attr = get_block_core_post_featured_image_border_attributes( $attributes ); $overlay_markup = get_block_core_post_featured_image_overlay_element_markup( $attributes ); if ( $is_link ) { if ( get_the_title( $post_ID ) ) { $attr['alt'] = trim( strip_tags( get_the_title( $post_ID ) ) ); } else { $attr['alt'] = sprintf( // translators: %d is the post ID. __( 'Untitled post %d' ), $post_ID ); } } $extra_styles = ''; // Aspect ratio with a height set needs to override the default width/height. if ( ! empty( $attributes['aspectRatio'] ) ) { $extra_styles .= 'width:100%;height:100%;'; } elseif ( ! empty( $attributes['height'] ) ) { $extra_styles .= "height:{$attributes['height']};"; } if ( ! empty( $attributes['scale'] ) ) { $extra_styles .= "object-fit:{$attributes['scale']};"; } if ( ! empty( $attributes['style']['shadow'] ) ) { $shadow_styles = wp_style_engine_get_styles( array( 'shadow' => $attributes['style']['shadow'] ) ); if ( ! empty( $shadow_styles['css'] ) ) { $extra_styles .= $shadow_styles['css']; } } if ( ! empty( $extra_styles ) ) { $attr['style'] = empty( $attr['style'] ) ? $extra_styles : $attr['style'] . $extra_styles; } $featured_image = get_the_post_thumbnail( $post_ID, $size_slug, $attr ); // Get the first image from the post. if ( $attributes['useFirstImageFromPost'] && ! $featured_image ) { $content_post = get_post( $post_ID ); $content = $content_post->post_content; $processor = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $content ); /* * Transfer the image tag from the post into a new text snippet. * Because the HTML API doesn't currently expose a way to extract * HTML substrings this is necessary as a workaround. Of note, this * is different than directly extracting the IMG tag: * - If there are duplicate attributes in the source there will only be one in the output. * - If there are single-quoted or unquoted attributes they will be double-quoted in the output. * - If there are named character references in the attribute values they may be replaced with their direct code points. E.g. `…` becomes `…`. * In the future there will likely be a mechanism to copy snippets of HTML from * one document into another, via the HTML Processor's `get_outer_html()` or * equivalent. When that happens it would be appropriate to replace this custom * code with that canonical code. */ if ( $processor->next_tag( 'img' ) ) { $tag_html = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( '<img>' ); $tag_html->next_tag(); foreach ( $processor->get_attribute_names_with_prefix( '' ) as $name ) { $tag_html->set_attribute( $name, $processor->get_attribute( $name ) ); } $featured_image = $tag_html->get_updated_html(); } } if ( ! $featured_image ) { return ''; } if ( $is_link ) { $link_target = $attributes['linkTarget']; $rel = ! empty( $attributes['rel'] ) ? 'rel="' . esc_attr( $attributes['rel'] ) . '"' : ''; $height = ! empty( $attributes['height'] ) ? 'style="' . esc_attr( safecss_filter_attr( 'height:' . $attributes['height'] ) ) . '"' : ''; $featured_image = sprintf( '<a href="%1$s" target="%2$s" %3$s %4$s>%5$s%6$s</a>', get_the_permalink( $post_ID ), esc_attr( $link_target ), $rel, $height, $featured_image, $overlay_markup ); } else { $featured_image = $featured_image . $overlay_markup; } $aspect_ratio = ! empty( $attributes['aspectRatio'] ) ? esc_attr( safecss_filter_attr( 'aspect-ratio:' . $attributes['aspectRatio'] ) ) . ';' : ''; $width = ! empty( $attributes['width'] ) ? esc_attr( safecss_filter_attr( 'width:' . $attributes['width'] ) ) . ';' : ''; $height = ! empty( $attributes['height'] ) ? esc_attr( safecss_filter_attr( 'height:' . $attributes['height'] ) ) . ';' : ''; if ( ! $height && ! $width && ! $aspect_ratio ) { $wrapper_attributes = get_block_wrapper_attributes(); } else { $wrapper_attributes = get_block_wrapper_attributes( array( 'style' => $aspect_ratio . $width . $height ) ); } return "<figure {$wrapper_attributes}>{$featured_image}</figure>"; }