Registers the style and typography block attributes for block types that support it.
Internal function — this function is designed to be used by the kernel itself. It is not recommended to use this function in your code.
No Hooks.
. Nothing (null).
wp_register_typography_support( $block_type );
- $block_type(WP_Block_Type) (required)
- Block Type.
Since 5.6.0 | Introduced. |
Since 6.3.0 | Added support for text-columns. |
wp_register_typography_support() wp register typography support code WP 6.7.1
function wp_register_typography_support( $block_type ) { if ( ! ( $block_type instanceof WP_Block_Type ) ) { return; } $typography_supports = isset( $block_type->supports['typography'] ) ? $block_type->supports['typography'] : false; if ( ! $typography_supports ) { return; } $has_font_family_support = isset( $typography_supports['__experimentalFontFamily'] ) ? $typography_supports['__experimentalFontFamily'] : false; $has_font_size_support = isset( $typography_supports['fontSize'] ) ? $typography_supports['fontSize'] : false; $has_font_style_support = isset( $typography_supports['__experimentalFontStyle'] ) ? $typography_supports['__experimentalFontStyle'] : false; $has_font_weight_support = isset( $typography_supports['__experimentalFontWeight'] ) ? $typography_supports['__experimentalFontWeight'] : false; $has_letter_spacing_support = isset( $typography_supports['__experimentalLetterSpacing'] ) ? $typography_supports['__experimentalLetterSpacing'] : false; $has_line_height_support = isset( $typography_supports['lineHeight'] ) ? $typography_supports['lineHeight'] : false; $has_text_align_support = isset( $typography_supports['textAlign'] ) ? $typography_supports['textAlign'] : false; $has_text_columns_support = isset( $typography_supports['textColumns'] ) ? $typography_supports['textColumns'] : false; $has_text_decoration_support = isset( $typography_supports['__experimentalTextDecoration'] ) ? $typography_supports['__experimentalTextDecoration'] : false; $has_text_transform_support = isset( $typography_supports['__experimentalTextTransform'] ) ? $typography_supports['__experimentalTextTransform'] : false; $has_writing_mode_support = isset( $typography_supports['__experimentalWritingMode'] ) ? $typography_supports['__experimentalWritingMode'] : false; $has_typography_support = $has_font_family_support || $has_font_size_support || $has_font_style_support || $has_font_weight_support || $has_letter_spacing_support || $has_line_height_support || $has_text_align_support || $has_text_columns_support || $has_text_decoration_support || $has_text_transform_support || $has_writing_mode_support; if ( ! $block_type->attributes ) { $block_type->attributes = array(); } if ( $has_typography_support && ! array_key_exists( 'style', $block_type->attributes ) ) { $block_type->attributes['style'] = array( 'type' => 'object', ); } if ( $has_font_size_support && ! array_key_exists( 'fontSize', $block_type->attributes ) ) { $block_type->attributes['fontSize'] = array( 'type' => 'string', ); } if ( $has_font_family_support && ! array_key_exists( 'fontFamily', $block_type->attributes ) ) { $block_type->attributes['fontFamily'] = array( 'type' => 'string', ); } }