wp_render_layout_support_flag()WP 5.8.0

Renders the layout config to the block wrapper.

Internal function — this function is designed to be used by the kernel itself. It is not recommended to use this function in your code.

No Hooks.


String. Filtered block content.


wp_render_layout_support_flag( $block_content, $block );
$block_content(string) (required)
Rendered block content.
$block(array) (required)
Block object.


Since 5.8.0 Introduced.
Since 6.3.0 Adds compound class to layout wrapper for global spacing styles.
Since 6.3.0 Check for layout support via the layout key with fallback to __experimentalLayout.
Since 6.6.0 Removed duplicate container class from layout styles.

wp_render_layout_support_flag() code WP 6.7.1

function wp_render_layout_support_flag( $block_content, $block ) {
	$block_type            = WP_Block_Type_Registry::get_instance()->get_registered( $block['blockName'] );
	$block_supports_layout = block_has_support( $block_type, 'layout', false ) || block_has_support( $block_type, '__experimentalLayout', false );
	$child_layout          = isset( $block['attrs']['style']['layout'] ) ? $block['attrs']['style']['layout'] : null;

	if ( ! $block_supports_layout && ! $child_layout ) {
		return $block_content;

	$outer_class_names = array();

	// Child layout specific logic.
	if ( $child_layout ) {
		$container_content_class   = wp_unique_prefixed_id( 'wp-container-content-' );
		$child_layout_declarations = array();
		$child_layout_styles       = array();

		$self_stretch = isset( $child_layout['selfStretch'] ) ? $child_layout['selfStretch'] : null;

		if ( 'fixed' === $self_stretch && isset( $child_layout['flexSize'] ) ) {
			$child_layout_declarations['flex-basis'] = $child_layout['flexSize'];
			$child_layout_declarations['box-sizing'] = 'border-box';
		} elseif ( 'fill' === $self_stretch ) {
			$child_layout_declarations['flex-grow'] = '1';

		if ( isset( $child_layout['columnSpan'] ) ) {
			$column_span                              = $child_layout['columnSpan'];
			$child_layout_declarations['grid-column'] = "span $column_span";
		if ( isset( $child_layout['rowSpan'] ) ) {
			$row_span                              = $child_layout['rowSpan'];
			$child_layout_declarations['grid-row'] = "span $row_span";
		$child_layout_styles[] = array(
			'selector'     => ".$container_content_class",
			'declarations' => $child_layout_declarations,

		 * If columnSpan is set, and the parent grid is responsive, i.e. if it has a minimumColumnWidth set,
		 * the columnSpan should be removed on small grids. If there's a minimumColumnWidth, the grid is responsive.
		 * But if the minimumColumnWidth value wasn't changed, it won't be set. In that case, if columnCount doesn't
		 * exist, we can assume that the grid is responsive.
		if ( isset( $child_layout['columnSpan'] ) && ( isset( $block['parentLayout']['minimumColumnWidth'] ) || ! isset( $block['parentLayout']['columnCount'] ) ) ) {
			$column_span_number  = floatval( $child_layout['columnSpan'] );
			$parent_column_width = isset( $block['parentLayout']['minimumColumnWidth'] ) ? $block['parentLayout']['minimumColumnWidth'] : '12rem';
			$parent_column_value = floatval( $parent_column_width );
			$parent_column_unit  = explode( $parent_column_value, $parent_column_width );

			 * If there is no unit, the width has somehow been mangled so we reset both unit and value
			 * to defaults.
			 * Additionally, the unit should be one of px, rem or em, so that also needs to be checked.
			if ( count( $parent_column_unit ) <= 1 ) {
				$parent_column_unit  = 'rem';
				$parent_column_value = 12;
			} else {
				$parent_column_unit = $parent_column_unit[1];

				if ( ! in_array( $parent_column_unit, array( 'px', 'rem', 'em' ), true ) ) {
					$parent_column_unit = 'rem';

			 * A default gap value is used for this computation because custom gap values may not be
			 * viable to use in the computation of the container query value.
			$default_gap_value     = 'px' === $parent_column_unit ? 24 : 1.5;
			$container_query_value = $column_span_number * $parent_column_value + ( $column_span_number - 1 ) * $default_gap_value;
			$container_query_value = $container_query_value . $parent_column_unit;

			$child_layout_styles[] = array(
				'rules_group'  => "@container (max-width: $container_query_value )",
				'selector'     => ".$container_content_class",
				'declarations' => array(
					'grid-column' => '1/-1',

		 * Add to the style engine store to enqueue and render layout styles.
		 * Return styles here just to check if any exist.
		$child_css = wp_style_engine_get_stylesheet_from_css_rules(
				'context'  => 'block-supports',
				'prettify' => false,

		if ( $child_css ) {
			$outer_class_names[] = $container_content_class;

	// Prep the processor for modifying the block output.
	$processor = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $block_content );

	// Having no tags implies there are no tags onto which to add class names.
	if ( ! $processor->next_tag() ) {
		return $block_content;

	 * A block may not support layout but still be affected by a parent block's layout.
	 * In these cases add the appropriate class names and then return early; there's
	 * no need to investigate on this block whether additional layout constraints apply.
	if ( ! $block_supports_layout && ! empty( $outer_class_names ) ) {
		foreach ( $outer_class_names as $class_name ) {
			$processor->add_class( $class_name );
		return $processor->get_updated_html();
	} elseif ( ! $block_supports_layout ) {
		// Ensure layout classnames are not injected if there is no layout support.
		return $block_content;

	$global_settings = wp_get_global_settings();
	$fallback_layout = isset( $block_type->supports['layout']['default'] )
		? $block_type->supports['layout']['default']
		: array();
	if ( empty( $fallback_layout ) ) {
		$fallback_layout = isset( $block_type->supports['__experimentalLayout']['default'] )
			? $block_type->supports['__experimentalLayout']['default']
			: array();
	$used_layout = isset( $block['attrs']['layout'] ) ? $block['attrs']['layout'] : $fallback_layout;

	$class_names        = array();
	$layout_definitions = wp_get_layout_definitions();

	 * Uses an incremental ID that is independent per prefix to make sure that
	 * rendering different numbers of blocks doesn't affect the IDs of other
	 * blocks. Makes the CSS class names stable across paginations
	 * for features like the enhanced pagination of the Query block.
	$container_class = wp_unique_prefixed_id(
		'wp-container-' . sanitize_title( $block['blockName'] ) . '-is-layout-'

	// Set the correct layout type for blocks using legacy content width.
	if ( isset( $used_layout['inherit'] ) && $used_layout['inherit'] || isset( $used_layout['contentSize'] ) && $used_layout['contentSize'] ) {
		$used_layout['type'] = 'constrained';

	$root_padding_aware_alignments = isset( $global_settings['useRootPaddingAwareAlignments'] )
		? $global_settings['useRootPaddingAwareAlignments']
		: false;

	if (
		$root_padding_aware_alignments &&
		isset( $used_layout['type'] ) &&
		'constrained' === $used_layout['type']
	) {
		$class_names[] = 'has-global-padding';

	 * The following section was added to reintroduce a small set of layout classnames that were
	 * removed in the 5.9 release (https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/issues/38719). It is
	 * not intended to provide an extended set of classes to match all block layout attributes
	 * here.
	if ( ! empty( $block['attrs']['layout']['orientation'] ) ) {
		$class_names[] = 'is-' . sanitize_title( $block['attrs']['layout']['orientation'] );

	if ( ! empty( $block['attrs']['layout']['justifyContent'] ) ) {
		$class_names[] = 'is-content-justification-' . sanitize_title( $block['attrs']['layout']['justifyContent'] );

	if ( ! empty( $block['attrs']['layout']['flexWrap'] ) && 'nowrap' === $block['attrs']['layout']['flexWrap'] ) {
		$class_names[] = 'is-nowrap';

	// Get classname for layout type.
	if ( isset( $used_layout['type'] ) ) {
		$layout_classname = isset( $layout_definitions[ $used_layout['type'] ]['className'] )
			? $layout_definitions[ $used_layout['type'] ]['className']
			: '';
	} else {
		$layout_classname = isset( $layout_definitions['default']['className'] )
			? $layout_definitions['default']['className']
			: '';

	if ( $layout_classname && is_string( $layout_classname ) ) {
		$class_names[] = sanitize_title( $layout_classname );

	 * Only generate Layout styles if the theme has not opted-out.
	 * Attribute-based Layout classnames are output in all cases.
	if ( ! current_theme_supports( 'disable-layout-styles' ) ) {

		$gap_value = isset( $block['attrs']['style']['spacing']['blockGap'] )
			? $block['attrs']['style']['spacing']['blockGap']
			: null;
		 * Skip if gap value contains unsupported characters.
		 * Regex for CSS value borrowed from `safecss_filter_attr`, and used here
		 * to only match against the value, not the CSS attribute.
		if ( is_array( $gap_value ) ) {
			foreach ( $gap_value as $key => $value ) {
				$gap_value[ $key ] = $value && preg_match( '%[\\\(&=}]|/\*%', $value ) ? null : $value;
		} else {
			$gap_value = $gap_value && preg_match( '%[\\\(&=}]|/\*%', $gap_value ) ? null : $gap_value;

		$fallback_gap_value = isset( $block_type->supports['spacing']['blockGap']['__experimentalDefault'] )
			? $block_type->supports['spacing']['blockGap']['__experimentalDefault']
			: '0.5em';
		$block_spacing      = isset( $block['attrs']['style']['spacing'] )
			? $block['attrs']['style']['spacing']
			: null;

		 * If a block's block.json skips serialization for spacing or spacing.blockGap,
		 * don't apply the user-defined value to the styles.
		$should_skip_gap_serialization = wp_should_skip_block_supports_serialization( $block_type, 'spacing', 'blockGap' );

		$block_gap             = isset( $global_settings['spacing']['blockGap'] )
			? $global_settings['spacing']['blockGap']
			: null;
		$has_block_gap_support = isset( $block_gap );

		$style = wp_get_layout_style(

		// Only add container class and enqueue block support styles if unique styles were generated.
		if ( ! empty( $style ) ) {
			$class_names[] = $container_class;

	// Add combined layout and block classname for global styles to hook onto.
	$block_name    = explode( '/', $block['blockName'] );
	$class_names[] = 'wp-block-' . end( $block_name ) . '-' . $layout_classname;

	// Add classes to the outermost HTML tag if necessary.
	if ( ! empty( $outer_class_names ) ) {
		foreach ( $outer_class_names as $outer_class_name ) {
			$processor->add_class( $outer_class_name );

	 * Attempts to refer to the inner-block wrapping element by its class attribute.
	 * When examining a block's inner content, if a block has inner blocks, then
	 * the first content item will likely be a text (HTML) chunk immediately
	 * preceding the inner blocks. The last HTML tag in that chunk would then be
	 * an opening tag for an element that wraps the inner blocks.
	 * There's no reliable way to associate this wrapper in $block_content because
	 * it may have changed during the rendering pipeline (as inner contents is
	 * provided before rendering) and through previous filters. In many cases,
	 * however, the `class` attribute will be a good-enough identifier, so this
	 * code finds the last tag in that chunk and stores the `class` attribute
	 * so that it can be used later when working through the rendered block output
	 * to identify the wrapping element and add the remaining class names to it.
	 * It's also possible that no inner block wrapper even exists. If that's the
	 * case this code could apply the class names to an invalid element.
	 * Example:
	 *     $block['innerBlocks']  = array( $list_item );
	 *     $block['innerContent'] = array( '<ul class="list-wrapper is-unordered">', null, '</ul>' );
	 *     // After rendering, the initial contents may have been modified by other renderers or filters.
	 *     $block_content = <<<HTML
	 *         <figure>
	 *             <ul class="annotated-list list-wrapper is-unordered">
	 *                 <li>Code</li>
	 *             </ul><figcaption>It's a list!</figcaption>
	 *         </figure>
	 *     HTML;
	 * Although it is possible that the original block-wrapper classes are changed in $block_content
	 * from how they appear in $block['innerContent'], it's likely that the original class attributes
	 * are still present in the wrapper as they are in this example. Frequently, additional classes
	 * will also be present; rarely should classes be removed.
	 * @todo Find a better way to match the first inner block. If it's possible to identify where the
	 *       first inner block starts, then it will be possible to find the last tag before it starts
	 *       and then that tag, if an opening tag, can be solidly identified as a wrapping element.
	 *       Can some unique value or class or ID be added to the inner blocks when they process
	 *       so that they can be extracted here safely without guessing? Can the block rendering function
	 *       return information about where the rendered inner blocks start?
	 * @var string|null
	$inner_block_wrapper_classes = null;
	$first_chunk                 = isset( $block['innerContent'][0] ) ? $block['innerContent'][0] : null;
	if ( is_string( $first_chunk ) && count( $block['innerContent'] ) > 1 ) {
		$first_chunk_processor = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $first_chunk );
		while ( $first_chunk_processor->next_tag() ) {
			$class_attribute = $first_chunk_processor->get_attribute( 'class' );
			if ( is_string( $class_attribute ) && ! empty( $class_attribute ) ) {
				$inner_block_wrapper_classes = $class_attribute;

	 * If necessary, advance to what is likely to be an inner block wrapper tag.
	 * This advances until it finds the first tag containing the original class
	 * attribute from above. If none is found it will scan to the end of the block
	 * and fail to add any class names.
	 * If there is no block wrapper it won't advance at all, in which case the
	 * class names will be added to the first and outermost tag of the block.
	 * For cases where this outermost tag is the only tag surrounding inner
	 * blocks then the outer wrapper and inner wrapper are the same.
	do {
		if ( ! $inner_block_wrapper_classes ) {

		$class_attribute = $processor->get_attribute( 'class' );
		if ( is_string( $class_attribute ) && str_contains( $class_attribute, $inner_block_wrapper_classes ) ) {
	} while ( $processor->next_tag() );

	// Add the remaining class names.
	foreach ( $class_names as $class_name ) {
		$processor->add_class( $class_name );

	return $processor->get_updated_html();