Base logger class
No Hooks.
$Base = new Base(); // use class methods
- protected _line( $message, $label, $color, $handle = STDOUT )
- public debug( $message, $group = false )
- ERROR: no method name found on line `* unit testing, where the WP_CLI instance isn't available`
- ERROR: no method name found on line `* Write a message to STDERR, prefixed with "Debug: ".`
- ERROR: no method name found on line `return;`
- protected get_runner()
- public info( $message )
- public success( $message )
- public warning( $message )
- protected write( $handle, $str )
Base{} Base{} code WP-CLI 2.8.0-alpha
abstract class Base { protected $in_color = false; abstract public function info( $message ); abstract public function success( $message ); abstract public function warning( $message ); /** * Retrieve the runner instance from the base CLI object. This facilitates * unit testing, where the WP_CLI instance isn't available * * @return Runner Instance of the runner class */ protected function get_runner() { return WP_CLI::get_runner(); } /** * Write a message to STDERR, prefixed with "Debug: ". * * @param string $message Message to write. * @param string|bool $group Organize debug message to a specific group. * Use `false` for no group. */ public function debug( $message, $group = false ) { static $start_time = null; if ( null === $start_time ) { $start_time = microtime( true ); } $debug = $this->get_runner()->config['debug']; if ( ! $debug ) { return; } if ( true !== $debug && $group !== $debug ) { return; } $time = round( microtime( true ) - ( defined( 'WP_CLI_START_MICROTIME' ) ? WP_CLI_START_MICROTIME : $start_time ), 3 ); $prefix = 'Debug'; if ( $group && true === $debug ) { $prefix = 'Debug (' . $group . ')'; } $this->_line( "$message ({$time}s)", $prefix, '%B', STDERR ); } /** * Write a string to a resource. * * @param resource $handle Commonly STDOUT or STDERR. * @param string $str Message to write. */ protected function write( $handle, $str ) { fwrite( $handle, $str ); } /** * Output one line of message to a resource. * * @param string $message Message to write. * @param string $label Prefix message with a label. * @param string $color Colorize label with a given color. * @param resource $handle Resource to write to. Defaults to STDOUT. */ protected function _line( $message, $label, $color, $handle = STDOUT ) { // phpcs:ignore PSR2.Methods.MethodDeclaration.Underscore -- Used in third party extensions. if ( class_exists( 'cli\Colors' ) ) { $label = Colors::colorize( "$color$label:%n", $this->in_color ); } else { $label = "$label:"; } $this->write( $handle, "$label $message\n" ); } }