CLI_Alias_Command::update()publicWP-CLI 1.0

Updates an alias.


Key for the alias.
Set user for alias.
Set url for alias.
Set path for alias.
Set ssh for alias.
Set http for alias.
For grouping multiple aliases.
Config file to be considered for operations.
--- options:
  • global
  • project


# Update alias.
$ wp cli alias update @prod --set-user=newuser --set-path=/new/path/to/wordpress/install/
Success: Updated 'prod' alias.
# Update project alias.
$ wp cli alias update @prod --set-user=newuser --set-path=/new/path/to/wordpress/install/ --config=project
Success: Updated 'prod' alias.

Method of the class: CLI_Alias_Command{}

No Hooks.


null. Nothing (null).


$CLI_Alias_Command = new CLI_Alias_Command();
$CLI_Alias_Command->update( $args, $assoc_args );
$args (required)
$assoc_args (required)

CLI_Alias_Command::update() code WP-CLI 2.8.0-alpha

public function update( $args, $assoc_args ) {

	$config   = ( ! empty( $assoc_args['config'] ) ? $assoc_args['config'] : '' );
	$alias    = $args[0];
	$grouping = Utils\get_flag_value( $assoc_args, 'grouping' );

	list( $config_path, $aliases ) = $this->get_aliases_data( $config, $alias, true );

	$this->validate_config_file( $config_path );

	$this->validate_input( $assoc_args, $grouping );

	if ( empty( $aliases[ $alias ] ) ) {
		WP_CLI::error( "No alias found with key '{$alias}'." );

	if ( null === $grouping ) {
		$aliases = $this->build_aliases( $aliases, $alias, $assoc_args, false, '', true );
	} else {
		$aliases = $this->build_aliases( $aliases, $alias, $assoc_args, true, $grouping, true );

	$this->process_aliases( $aliases, $alias, $config_path, 'Updated' );