Adds a command namespace without actual functionality.
This is meant to provide the means to attach meta information to a namespace when there's no actual command needed.
In case a real command gets registered for the same name, it replaces the command namespace.
No Hooks.
$CommandNamespace = new CommandNamespace(); // use class methods
- public show_usage()
- Package: WP_CLI
CommandNamespace{} CommandNamespace{} code WP-CLI 2.8.0-alpha
class CommandNamespace extends CompositeCommand { /** * Show the usage for all subcommands contained * by the composite command. */ public function show_usage() { $methods = $this->get_subcommands(); $i = 0; $count = 0; foreach ( $methods as $subcommand ) { $prefix = ( 0 === $i ) ? 'usage: ' : ' or: '; $i++; if ( \WP_CLI::get_runner()->is_command_disabled( $subcommand ) ) { continue; } \WP_CLI::line( $subcommand->get_usage( $prefix ) ); $count++; } $cmd_name = implode( ' ', array_slice( get_path( $this ), 1 ) ); $message = $count > 0 ? "See 'wp help $cmd_name <command>' for more information on a specific command." : "The namespace $cmd_name does not contain any usable commands in the current context."; \WP_CLI::line(); \WP_CLI::line( $message ); } }