
DefineProtectedCommands{}WP-CLI 1.0

Class DefineProtectedCommands.

Define the commands that are "protected", meaning that they shouldn't be able to break due to extension code.

No Hooks.


$DefineProtectedCommands = new DefineProtectedCommands();
// use class methods


  1. private get_current_command()
  2. private get_protected_commands()
  3. public process( BootstrapState $state )


  • Package: WP_CLI\Bootstrap

DefineProtectedCommands{} code WP-CLI 2.8.0-alpha

final class DefineProtectedCommands implements BootstrapStep {

	 * Process this single bootstrapping step.
	 * @param BootstrapState $state Contextual state to pass into the step.
	 * @return BootstrapState Modified state to pass to the next step.
	public function process( BootstrapState $state ) {
		$commands        = $this->get_protected_commands();
		$current_command = $this->get_current_command();

		foreach ( $commands as $command ) {
			if ( 0 === strpos( $current_command, $command ) ) {
				$state->setValue( BootstrapState::IS_PROTECTED_COMMAND, true );

		return $state;

	 * Get the list of protected commands.
	 * @return array
	private function get_protected_commands() {
		return [
			'cli info',

	 * Get the current command as a string.
	 * @return string Current command to be executed.
	private function get_current_command() {
		$runner = new RunnerInstance();

		return implode( ' ', (array) $runner()->arguments );