Formatter{}WP-CLI 1.0

Output one or more items in a given format (e.g. table, JSON).

No Hooks.


$Formatter = new Formatter();
// use class methods


  1. public __construct( &$assoc_args, $fields = null, $prefix = false )
  2. public __get( $key )
  3. private assoc_array_to_rows( $fields )
  4. public display_item( $item, $ascii_pre_colorized = false )
  5. public display_items( $items, $ascii_pre_colorized = false )
  6. private find_item_key( $item, $field )
  7. private format( $items, $ascii_pre_colorized = false )
  8. private show_multiple_fields( $data, $format, $ascii_pre_colorized = false )
  9. private show_single_field( $items, $field )
  10. private static show_table( $items, $fields, $ascii_pre_colorized = false )
  11. public transform_item_values_to_json( $item )

Formatter{} code WP-CLI 2.8.0-alpha

class Formatter {

	 * How the items should be output.
	 * @var array
	private $args;

	 * Standard prefix for object fields.
	 * @var string
	private $prefix;

	 * @param array $assoc_args Output format arguments.
	 * @param array $fields Fields to display of each item.
	 * @param string|bool $prefix Check if fields have a standard prefix.
	 * False indicates empty prefix.
	public function __construct( &$assoc_args, $fields = null, $prefix = false ) {
		$format_args = [
			'format' => 'table',
			'fields' => $fields,
			'field'  => null,

		foreach ( [ 'format', 'fields', 'field' ] as $key ) {
			if ( isset( $assoc_args[ $key ] ) ) {
				$format_args[ $key ] = $assoc_args[ $key ];
				unset( $assoc_args[ $key ] );

		if ( ! is_array( $format_args['fields'] ) ) {
			$format_args['fields'] = explode( ',', $format_args['fields'] );

		$format_args['fields'] = array_map( 'trim', $format_args['fields'] );

		$this->args   = $format_args;
		$this->prefix = $prefix;

	 * Magic getter for arguments.
	 * @param string $key
	 * @return mixed
	public function __get( $key ) {
		return $this->args[ $key ];

	 * Display multiple items according to the output arguments.
	 * @param array|Iterator $items The items to display.
	 * @param bool|array      $ascii_pre_colorized Optional. A boolean or an array of booleans to pass to `format()` if items in the table are pre-colorized. Default false.
	public function display_items( $items, $ascii_pre_colorized = false ) {
		if ( $this->args['field'] ) {
			$this->show_single_field( $items, $this->args['field'] );
		} else {
			if ( in_array( $this->args['format'], [ 'csv', 'json', 'table' ], true ) ) {
				$item = is_array( $items ) && ! empty( $items ) ? array_shift( $items ) : false;
				if ( $item && ! empty( $this->args['fields'] ) ) {
					foreach ( $this->args['fields'] as &$field ) {
						$field = $this->find_item_key( $item, $field );
					array_unshift( $items, $item );

			if ( in_array( $this->args['format'], [ 'table', 'csv' ], true ) ) {
				if ( $items instanceof Iterator ) {
					$items = Utils\iterator_map( $items, [ $this, 'transform_item_values_to_json' ] );
				} else {
					$items = array_map( [ $this, 'transform_item_values_to_json' ], $items );

			$this->format( $items, $ascii_pre_colorized );

	 * Display a single item according to the output arguments.
	 * @param mixed      $item
	 * @param bool|array $ascii_pre_colorized Optional. A boolean or an array of booleans to pass to `show_multiple_fields()` if the item in the table is pre-colorized. Default false.
	public function display_item( $item, $ascii_pre_colorized = false ) {
		if ( isset( $this->args['field'] ) ) {
			$item  = (object) $item;
			$key   = $this->find_item_key( $item, $this->args['field'] );
			$value = $item->$key;
			if ( in_array( $this->args['format'], [ 'table', 'csv' ], true ) && ( is_object( $value ) || is_array( $value ) ) ) {
				$value = json_encode( $value );
					'format' => $this->args['format'],
		} else {
			$this->show_multiple_fields( $item, $this->args['format'], $ascii_pre_colorized );

	 * Format items according to arguments.
	 * @param array      $items
	 * @param bool|array $ascii_pre_colorized Optional. A boolean or an array of booleans to pass to `show_table()` if items in the table are pre-colorized. Default false.
	private function format( $items, $ascii_pre_colorized = false ) {
		$fields = $this->args['fields'];

		switch ( $this->args['format'] ) {
			case 'count':
				if ( ! is_array( $items ) ) {
					$items = iterator_to_array( $items );
				echo count( $items );

			case 'ids':
				if ( ! is_array( $items ) ) {
					$items = iterator_to_array( $items );
				echo implode( ' ', $items );

			case 'table':
				self::show_table( $items, $fields, $ascii_pre_colorized );

			case 'csv':
				Utils\write_csv( STDOUT, $items, $fields );

			case 'json':
			case 'yaml':
				$out = [];
				foreach ( $items as $item ) {
					$out[] = Utils\pick_fields( $item, $fields );

				if ( 'json' === $this->args['format'] ) {
					if ( defined( 'JSON_PARTIAL_OUTPUT_ON_ERROR' ) ) {
						// phpcs:ignore PHPCompatibility.Constants.NewConstants.json_partial_output_on_errorFound
						echo json_encode( $out, JSON_PARTIAL_OUTPUT_ON_ERROR );
					} else {
						echo json_encode( $out );
				} elseif ( 'yaml' === $this->args['format'] ) {
					echo Spyc::YAMLDump( $out, 2, 0 );

				WP_CLI::error( 'Invalid format: ' . $this->args['format'] );

	 * Show a single field from a list of items.
	 * @param array $items Array of objects to show fields from
	 * @param string $field The field to show
	private function show_single_field( $items, $field ) {
		$key    = null;
		$values = [];

		foreach ( $items as $item ) {
			$item = (object) $item;

			if ( null === $key ) {
				$key = $this->find_item_key( $item, $field );

			if ( 'json' === $this->args['format'] ) {
				$values[] = $item->$key;
			} else {
						'format' => $this->args['format'],

		if ( 'json' === $this->args['format'] ) {
			echo json_encode( $values );

	 * Find an object's key.
	 * If $prefix is set, a key with that prefix will be prioritized.
	 * @param object $item
	 * @param string $field
	 * @return string
	private function find_item_key( $item, $field ) {
		foreach ( [ $field, $this->prefix . '_' . $field ] as $maybe_key ) {
			if ( ( is_object( $item ) && ( property_exists( $item, $maybe_key ) || isset( $item->$maybe_key ) ) ) || ( is_array( $item ) && array_key_exists( $maybe_key, $item ) ) ) {
				$key = $maybe_key;

		if ( ! isset( $key ) ) {
			WP_CLI::error( "Invalid field: $field." );

		return $key;

	 * Show multiple fields of an object.
	 * @param object|array $data                Data to display
	 * @param string       $format              Format to display the data in
	 * @param bool|array   $ascii_pre_colorized Optional. A boolean or an array of booleans to pass to `show_table()` if the item in the table is pre-colorized. Default false.
	private function show_multiple_fields( $data, $format, $ascii_pre_colorized = false ) {

		$true_fields = [];
		foreach ( $this->args['fields'] as $field ) {
			$true_fields[] = $this->find_item_key( $data, $field );

		foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) {
			if ( ! in_array( $key, $true_fields, true ) ) {
				if ( is_array( $data ) ) {
					unset( $data[ $key ] );
				} elseif ( is_object( $data ) ) {
					unset( $data->$key );

		switch ( $format ) {

			case 'table':
			case 'csv':
				$rows   = $this->assoc_array_to_rows( $data );
				$fields = [ 'Field', 'Value' ];
				if ( 'table' === $format ) {
					self::show_table( $rows, $fields, $ascii_pre_colorized );
				} elseif ( 'csv' === $format ) {
					Utils\write_csv( STDOUT, $rows, $fields );

			case 'yaml':
			case 'json':
						'format' => $format,

				WP_CLI::error( 'Invalid format: ' . $format );



	 * Show items in a \cli\Table.
	 * @param array      $items
	 * @param array      $fields
	 * @param bool|array $ascii_pre_colorized Optional. A boolean or an array of booleans to pass to `Table::setAsciiPreColorized()` if items in the table are pre-colorized. Default false.
	private static function show_table( $items, $fields, $ascii_pre_colorized = false ) {
		$table = new Table();

		$enabled = Colors::shouldColorize();
		if ( $enabled ) {
			Colors::disable( true );

		$table->setAsciiPreColorized( $ascii_pre_colorized );
		$table->setHeaders( $fields );

		foreach ( $items as $item ) {
			$table->addRow( array_values( Utils\pick_fields( $item, $fields ) ) );

		foreach ( $table->getDisplayLines() as $line ) {
			WP_CLI::line( $line );

		if ( $enabled ) {
			Colors::enable( true );

	 * Format an associative array as a table.
	 * @param array     $fields    Fields and values to format
	 * @return array
	private function assoc_array_to_rows( $fields ) {
		$rows = [];

		foreach ( $fields as $field => $value ) {

			if ( ! is_string( $value ) ) {
				$value = json_encode( $value );

			$rows[] = (object) [
				'Field' => $field,
				'Value' => $value,

		return $rows;

	 * Transforms objects and arrays to JSON as necessary
	 * @param mixed $item
	 * @return mixed
	public function transform_item_values_to_json( $item ) {
		foreach ( $this->args['fields'] as $field ) {
			$true_field = $this->find_item_key( $item, $field );
			$value      = is_object( $item ) ? $item->$true_field : $item[ $true_field ];
			if ( is_array( $value ) || is_object( $value ) ) {
				if ( is_object( $item ) ) {
					$item->$true_field = json_encode( $value );
				} elseif ( is_array( $item ) ) {
					$item[ $true_field ] = json_encode( $value );
		return $item;
