Query{} │ WP-CLI 1.0
Iterates over results of a query, split into many queries via LIMIT and OFFSET
No Hooks.
$Query = new Query();
// use class methods
- public __construct( $query, $chunk_size = 500 )
- private adjust_offset_for_shrinking_result_set()
- public current()
- public key()
- private load_items_from_db()
- public next()
- public rewind()
- public valid()
Query{} Query{} code
WP-CLI 2.8.0-alpha
class Query implements Iterator {
private $chunk_size;
private $query = '';
private $count_query = '';
private $global_index = 0;
private $index_in_results = 0;
private $results = [];
private $row_count = 0;
private $offset = 0;
private $db = null;
private $depleted = false;
* Creates a new query iterator
* This will loop over all users, but will retrieve them 100 by 100:
* <code>
* foreach( new Iterators\Query( 'SELECT * FROM users', 100 ) as $user ) {
* tickle( $user );
* }
* </code>
* @param string $query The query as a string. It shouldn't include any LIMIT clauses
* @param int $chunk_size How many rows to retrieve at once; default value is 500 (optional)
public function __construct( $query, $chunk_size = 500 ) {
$this->query = $query;
$this->count_query = preg_replace( '/^.*? FROM /', 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ', $query, 1, $replacements );
if ( 1 !== $replacements ) {
$this->count_query = '';
$this->chunk_size = $chunk_size;
$this->db = $GLOBALS['wpdb'];
* Reduces the offset when the query row count shrinks
* In cases where the iterated rows are being updated such that they will no
* longer be returned by the original query, the offset must be reduced to
* iterate over all remaining rows.
private function adjust_offset_for_shrinking_result_set() {
if ( empty( $this->count_query ) ) {
$row_count = $this->db->get_var( $this->count_query );
if ( $row_count < $this->row_count ) {
$this->offset -= $this->row_count - $row_count;
$this->row_count = $row_count;
private function load_items_from_db() {
$query = $this->query . sprintf( ' LIMIT %d OFFSET %d', $this->chunk_size, $this->offset );
$this->results = $this->db->get_results( $query );
if ( ! $this->results ) {
if ( $this->db->last_error ) {
throw new Exception( 'Database error: ' . $this->db->last_error );
return false;
$this->offset += $this->chunk_size;
return true;
public function current() {
return $this->results[ $this->index_in_results ];
public function key() {
return $this->global_index;
public function next() {
public function rewind() {
$this->results = [];
$this->global_index = 0;
$this->index_in_results = 0;
$this->offset = 0;
$this->depleted = false;
public function valid() {
if ( $this->depleted ) {
return false;
if ( ! isset( $this->results[ $this->index_in_results ] ) ) {
$items_loaded = $this->load_items_from_db();
if ( ! $items_loaded ) {
$this->depleted = true;
return false;
$this->index_in_results = 0;
return true;