
esc_sql_ident()WP-CLI 1.0

Escapes (backticks) MySQL identifiers (aka schema object names) - i.e. column names, table names, and database/index/alias/view etc names. See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/identifiers.html

No Hooks.


String|Array. An escaped string if given a string, or an array of escaped strings if given an array of strings.


esc_sql_ident( $idents );
$idents(string|array) (required)
A single identifier or an array of identifiers.

esc_sql_ident() code WP-CLI 2.8.0-alpha

function esc_sql_ident( $idents ) {
	$backtick = static function ( $v ) {
		// Escape any backticks in the identifier by doubling.
		return '`' . str_replace( '`', '``', $v ) . '`';
	if ( is_string( $idents ) ) {
		return $backtick( $idents );
	return array_map( $backtick, $idents );