activate_(plugin) action-hookWP 2.0.0

Fires as a specific plugin is being activated.

This hook is the "activation" hook used internally by register_activation_hook(). The dynamic portion of the hook name, $plugin, refers to the plugin basename.

If a plugin is silently activated (such as during an update), this hook does not fire.


add_action( 'activate_(plugin)', 'wp_kama_activate_plugin_action' );

 * Function for `activate_(plugin)` action-hook.
 * @param bool $network_wide Whether to enable the plugin for all sites in the network or just the current site. Multisite only.
 * @return void
function wp_kama_activate_plugin_action( $network_wide ){

	// action...
Whether to enable the plugin for all sites in the network or just the current site. Multisite only.
Default: false


Since 2.0.0 Introduced.

Where the hook is called

wp-admin/includes/plugin.php 703
do_action( "activate_{$plugin}", $network_wide );
wp-admin/plugins.php 196
do_action( "activate_{$plugin}" );

Where the hook is used in WordPress

wp-includes/default-filters.php 664
add_action( 'activate_header', '_wp_admin_bar_init' );