in_theme_update_message-(theme_key) action-hookWP 3.1.0

Fires at the end of the update message container in each row of the themes list table.

The dynamic portion of the hook name, $theme_key, refers to the theme slug as found in the themes repository.


add_action( 'in_theme_update_message-(theme_key)', 'wp_kama_in_theme_update_message_key_action', 10, 2 );

 * Function for `in_theme_update_message-(theme_key)` action-hook.
 * @param WP_Theme $theme    The WP_Theme object.
 * @param array    $response An array of metadata about the available theme update.
 * @return void
function wp_kama_in_theme_update_message_key_action( $theme, $response ){

	// action...
The WP_Theme object.

An array of metadata about the available theme update.

  • new_version(string)
    New theme version.

  • url(string)
    Theme URL.

  • package(string)
    Theme update package URL.


Since 3.1.0 Introduced.

Where the hook is called

wp-admin/includes/update.php 842
do_action( "in_theme_update_message-{$theme_key}", $theme, $response ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidHookName.UseUnderscores

Where the hook is used in WordPress

Usage not found.