pre_trackback_post action-hookWP 4.7.0

Fires before the trackback is added to a post.


add_action( 'pre_trackback_post', 'wp_kama_pre_trackback_post_action', 10, 6 );

 * Function for `pre_trackback_post` action-hook.
 * @param int    $post_id       Post ID related to the trackback.
 * @param string $trackback_url Trackback URL.
 * @param string $charset       Character set.
 * @param string $title         Trackback title.
 * @param string $excerpt       Trackback excerpt.
 * @param string $blog_name     Site name.
 * @return void
function wp_kama_pre_trackback_post_action( $post_id, $trackback_url, $charset, $title, $excerpt, $blog_name ){

	// action...
Post ID related to the trackback.
Trackback URL.
Character set.
Trackback title.
Trackback excerpt.
Site name.


Since 4.7.0 Introduced.

Where the hook is called

In file: /wp-trackback.php
wp-trackback.php 111
do_action( 'pre_trackback_post', $post_id, $trackback_url, $charset, $title, $excerpt, $blog_name );

Where the hook is used in WordPress

Usage not found.