How to make a github gist as Embed
Do you want your gist link to turn directly into code the way WordPress converts a youtube video link directly into a player? Let's see how to do it below.
The example below works in both the visual editor and the block editor.
Use the following code by pasting it into functions.php or create a plugin:
add_action( 'init', 'register_gist_oembed_provider' ); function register_gist_oembed_provider() { wp_embed_register_handler( 'gist', '~https://gist\.github\.com/[a-z0-9]+/[a-z0-9]+~im', 'callback_gist_oembed_provider' ); } function callback_gist_oembed_provider( $matches ) { return sprintf( '<script src="%s.js"></script>', $matches[0] ); }
Since with this solution we don't make any queries on the backend, there is no caching of the result.
This Note embeded into: wp_embed_register_handler()