
AbstractPageTemplate{}WC 1.0

AbstractPageTemplate class.

Shared logic for page templates.

No Hooks.


$AbstractPageTemplate = new AbstractPageTemplate();
// use class methods


  1. public get_placeholder_page()
  2. public init()
  3. public is_active_template()
  4. public page_template_hierarchy( $templates )
  5. public page_template_title( $title )

AbstractPageTemplate{} code WC 9.4.2

abstract class AbstractPageTemplate extends AbstractTemplate {
	 * Initialization method.
	public function init() {
		add_filter( 'page_template_hierarchy', array( $this, 'page_template_hierarchy' ), 1 );

	 * Returns the page object assigned to this template/page.
	 * @return \WP_Post|null Post object or null.
	abstract protected function get_placeholder_page();

	 * Should return true on pages/endpoints/routes where the template should be shown.
	 * @return boolean
	abstract protected function is_active_template();

	 * When the page should be displaying the template, add it to the hierarchy.
	 * This places the template name e.g. `cart`, at the beginning of the template hierarchy array. The hook priority
	 * is 1 to ensure it runs first; other consumers e.g. extensions, could therefore inject their own template instead
	 * of this one when using the default priority of 10.
	 * @param array $templates Templates that match the pages_template_hierarchy.
	public function page_template_hierarchy( $templates ) {
		if ( $this->is_active_template() ) {
			array_unshift( $templates, static::SLUG );
		return $templates;

	 * Forces the page title to match the template title when this template is active.
	 * Only applies when hooked into `pre_get_document_title`. Most templates used for pages will not require this because
	 * the page title should be used instead.
	 * @param string $title Page title.
	 * @return string
	public function page_template_title( $title ) {
		if ( $this->is_active_template() && $this->get_template_title() ) {
			return $this->get_template_title();
		return $title;