Save an action.
Method of the class: ActionScheduler_DBStore{}
Hooks from the method
. Action ID.
// private - for code of main (parent) class only $result = $this->save_action_to_db( $action, $date, $unique );
- $action(ActionScheduler_Action) (required)
- Action object.
- $date(?DateTime)
- Optional schedule date.
Default: null - $unique(true|false)
- Whether the action should be unique.
Default: false
ActionScheduler_DBStore::save_action_to_db() ActionScheduler DBStore::save action to db code WC 9.5.1
private function save_action_to_db( ActionScheduler_Action $action, DateTime $date = null, $unique = false ) { global $wpdb; try { $this->validate_action( $action ); $data = array( 'hook' => $action->get_hook(), 'status' => ( $action->is_finished() ? self::STATUS_COMPLETE : self::STATUS_PENDING ), 'scheduled_date_gmt' => $this->get_scheduled_date_string( $action, $date ), 'scheduled_date_local' => $this->get_scheduled_date_string_local( $action, $date ), 'schedule' => serialize( $action->get_schedule() ), // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.DiscouragedPHPFunctions.serialize_serialize 'group_id' => current( $this->get_group_ids( $action->get_group() ) ), 'priority' => $action->get_priority(), ); $args = wp_json_encode( $action->get_args() ); if ( strlen( $args ) <= static::$max_index_length ) { $data['args'] = $args; } else { $data['args'] = $this->hash_args( $args ); $data['extended_args'] = $args; } $insert_sql = $this->build_insert_sql( $data, $unique ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared -- $insert_sql should be already prepared. $wpdb->query( $insert_sql ); $action_id = $wpdb->insert_id; if ( is_wp_error( $action_id ) ) { throw new \RuntimeException( $action_id->get_error_message() ); } elseif ( empty( $action_id ) ) { if ( $unique ) { return 0; } throw new \RuntimeException( $wpdb->last_error ? $wpdb->last_error : __( 'Database error.', 'woocommerce' ) ); } do_action( 'action_scheduler_stored_action', $action_id ); return $action_id; } catch ( \Exception $e ) { /* translators: %s: error message */ throw new \RuntimeException( sprintf( __( 'Error saving action: %s', 'woocommerce' ), $e->getMessage() ), 0 ); } }