ActionScheduler_WPCommentCleaner::print_admin_notice()public staticWC 1.0

Prints details about the orphaned action logs and includes information on where to learn more.

Method of the class: ActionScheduler_WPCommentCleaner{}

No Hooks.


null. Nothing (null).


$result = ActionScheduler_WPCommentCleaner::print_admin_notice();

ActionScheduler_WPCommentCleaner::print_admin_notice() code WC 9.6.1

public static function print_admin_notice() {
	$next_cleanup_message        = '';
	$next_scheduled_cleanup_hook = as_next_scheduled_action( self::$cleanup_hook );

	if ( $next_scheduled_cleanup_hook ) {
		/* translators: %s: date interval */
		$next_cleanup_message = sprintf( __( 'This data will be deleted in %s.', 'woocommerce' ), human_time_diff( gmdate( 'U' ), $next_scheduled_cleanup_hook ) );

	$notice = sprintf(
		/* translators: 1: next cleanup message 2: github issue URL */
		__( 'Action Scheduler has migrated data to custom tables; however, orphaned log entries exist in the WordPress Comments table. %1$s <a href="%2$s">Learn more &raquo;</a>', 'woocommerce' ),

	echo '<div class="notice notice-warning"><p>' . wp_kses_post( $notice ) . '</p></div>';