
ArrayUtil::group_by_column()public staticWC 1.0

Given an array of associative arrays, all having a shared key name ("column"), generates a new array in which keys are the distinct column values found, and values are arrays with all the matches found (or only the last matching array found, if $single_values is true). See ArrayUtilTest for examples.

Method of the class: ArrayUtil{}

No Hooks.


Array. The grouped array.


$result = ArrayUtil::group_by_column( $items, $column, $single_values ): array;
$items(array) (required)
The array to process.
$column(string) (required)
The name of the key to group by.
True to only return the last suitable array found for each column value.
Default: false

ArrayUtil::group_by_column() code WC 9.3.3

public static function group_by_column( array $items, string $column, bool $single_values = false ): array {
	if ( $single_values ) {
		return array_combine( array_column( $items, $column ), array_values( $items ) );

	$distinct_column_values = array_unique( array_column( $items, $column ), SORT_REGULAR );
	$result                 = array_fill_keys( $distinct_column_values, array() );

	foreach ( $items as $value ) {
		$result[ $value[ $column ] ][] = $value;

	return $result;